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Electronic maneuvering board and dead reckoning tracer decision aid for the officer of the deck




Welcome to ACM SIGAda's 2001 Annual International Conference -the yearly "meeting place" of the Ada community! We welcome youback to Minnesota, where much of the original Ada work took place.The GREEN language which became Ada was a product of Honeywell. Oneof the first Ada compilers was built by an group in Control Data(now part of General Dynamics) and important language design workwas done by Sperry-Univac (now part of Lockheed-Martin). Thecurrent Crusadar (UDLP) and RAAF (Lockheed-Martin) projectscontinue to show how Ada can be used effectively and efficiently tobuild high-quality systems.>As we move into the 21st century, Ada continues unparalleled inthe areas of distributed, real-time, and embedded systems. Wherecorrectness, reliability, and robustness are a concern, Ada's trackrecord of an all-around success is unparalleled. At a time whenauthorities such as Capers Jones indicate that the biggest gain ineffectiveness and efficiency comes from the reuse of high-qualitydeliverables (and biggest loss from the reuse of low-qualitydeliverables), Ada's concepts of interface and implementationseparation, generics, and packaging take increased interest fromthe software development community. For example, the Java genericsproposal echos that of Ada83; we know that Ada has almost a 20-yearlead in these areas only now being recognized as issues by otherlanguages. And the Ada95 fully implemented distributed-concurrencyon top of concurrent objects clearly tops other solutions, as shownby Per Brinch Hansen's 1999 SIGPlan arcticle on Java's insecureparallelism.>We offer you a conference featuring a top-quality technicalprogram focused on important strengths of Ada: distributed,real-time, and embedded systems. The visions of these systemsreflected in Ada's original requirements in the 1970s have expandedin almost unimagineable ways with Ada95 implementations, andcontinue to be objects of envy by those in the programming languagecommunity who understand what the strengths of a language brings toimplementors in terms of efficiency, reliability, andeffectiveness. Software challenges remain dominant in these domainswith rapid hardware advances. Most other languages fail to meet theneeds identified as far back as the 1976 Steelman, being able atbest to do only 3A of the needed function while Ada performs over95%. Ada's track record of reliability, efficiency, robustness andall-around success is unparalleled at solving real-time and/ordistributed system challenges. High-speed ground transportationsystems all over the world, most modem jetliner avionics, satellitesystems, and battle automation use Ada and power important parts ofthe world's economies and defenses. Two days of technical papers,keynotes, and invited presentations will report how these successesare achieved and where remaining issues are leading.>To complement technical papers and keynote talks focused onthese themes, parallel=track sessions on other important Adasoftware engineering and education topics are also offered atSIGAda2001. Yet, with few exceptions, these topics directly orindirectly interact with theme topics. Thus, we hope you will findthe entire technical program enticing whether or not you axecurrently working in distributed and/or real-time embeddeddomains.>Beyond the formal conference of selected papers andpresentations, SIGAda 2001 offers workshops and tutorials with thesame duality of on-theme and complementary topics. SIGAda'stutorials and workshops provide full- or half-days for thoseworking the same issues to share with each other and leverageeveryone's accomplishments; workshop products are "delivered" tothe community. The broad offerings of career-enhancing tutorialsinclude basic Ada 95 introductions for software engineers new toAria, intermediate and advanced Ada topics for practitionersstriving to expand their Ada expertise, and severallanguage-independent technology topics such as proving programscorrect. These topies arc often
机译:欢迎来到ACM SIGADA的2001年度国际会议 - ADA社区的年度“会议地点”!我们欢迎您到明尼苏达州,其中大部分原始的Ada工作发生。变得Ada的绿色语言是霍尼韦尔的产品。第一个ADA编译器的一组由一个小组建造的控制数据(现在是一般性动态的一部分)和Sperry-Univac(现在是洛克希德 - 马丁的一部分)所做的重要语言设计工作。 TheCurrent Crusadar(UDLP)和RAAF(洛克希德 - 马丁)项目中央组成,以展示ADA如何有效和有效地使用高质量的系统。 >在我们进入21世纪时,ADA继续无与伦比的地区分布式,实时和嵌入式系统。 Wherrentness,可靠性和鲁棒性是一个问题,Ada的TrackRecord一系列的成功是无与伦比的。在诸如CAPERS JONES的授权时,授权表明,最大的增益无效和效率来自高质量的兴趣(以及从重复使用低质量偏离的最大损失),ADA的界面和实施概念,泛型和包装增加了增加来自软件开发社区的兴趣。例如,ADA83的Java GenericsProposal回声;我们知道Ada在这些领域几乎拥有20岁群,现在只被认为是其他语言的问题。和ADA95完全实现了并发对象的分布式对象顶部,清楚地是其他解决方案,如每个Brinch Hansen的1999年的1999年的Sigplan Arcticle在Java的不安全方面所示。 >我们为您提供一个专注于重要的技术方案的会议ADA的优势:分布式,实时和嵌入式系统。在20世纪70年代的ADA原始要求中的这些系统的愿景几乎具有令人无法思考的方式,即在ADA95实施方面的方式,并且Continue是由编程幻影的嫉妒的对象,他们了解语言的优势在效率,可靠性方面带来了脚印机的优势,和效果。在快速硬件进步的情况下,这些域名软件挑战仍然占主导地位。大多数其他语言未能达到那些被确定为1976年的钢铁人,尽可能靠近所需功能的3A,而ADA执行超过95%。 ADA的可靠性,效率,鲁棒性和所有人的追踪成功的记录在解决实时和/常见的系统挑战时是无与伦比的。全球高速地面运输系统,大多数调制解调器喷射器航空电子设备,卫星系统和战斗自动化使用ADA和Power的全球经济和防御的重要部分。两天的技术论文,keynotes和邀请的演示将报告这些成功的成就以及剩下的问题是领先的。 >要补充技术论文和主题演讲,专注于这些主题,并行=其他重要的Adasoftware上的跟踪会话还提供了Atsigada2001的工程和教育主题。然而,随着少数例外,这些主题直接与主题互动。因此,我们希望您能够找到诱使您在分布式和/或实时嵌入式中的Axecurly工作的整个技术程序。 >超越了选定论文的正式会议,Sigada 2001提供了研讨会和教程Thesame On-主题的二元性和互补主题。 SIGADA'Stutorial和研讨会为那些相同的问题互相分享并杠杆化的成就提供了全面或半天;车间产品是“交付”的群体。职业生涯增强教程的广泛发布基本ADA 95介绍软件工程师新的Toaria,中级和高级ADA主题,用于扩展其ADA专业知识,并使SeverAllanguage独立的技术主题,如证明计划开令。这些顶部经常弧形



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