首页> 外文会议>Regional Technical Meeting on Seed Policy and Programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean >Management, conservation and utilisation of plant genetic diversity in the Caribbean: an appropriate strategy for small countries

Management, conservation and utilisation of plant genetic diversity in the Caribbean: an appropriate strategy for small countries




The rich plant biodiversity of the Caribbean is being eroded mainly by anthropogenic activities, natural disasters, and poor management, conservation and utilization of the region's plant genetic resources (PGR). Prior to 1996 the focus on agricultural development using only a few export plantation crops had led to a narrow genetic base in agricultural crops and an underutilisation of a wide range of species. Genetic resources management was, therefore, handled mainly by a few institutions in support of the traditional crop industries with little or no national or regional PGR programmes developed except in Cuba, Guyana, Puerto Rico, the French Territories and the Dominican Republic. However, macro-economic pressures on the export crops beginning around the late 1970s forced governments of the region to begin thinking of crop diversification, biodiversity, conservation and utilization and the development of national and regional programmes. In preparation for the 1996 Leipzig meeting, Caribbean countries began to review their activities in PGR and later embraced the Global Plan of Action. As a consequence, the Caribbean Plant Genetic Resources Network (CAPGERNET) was established in 1998 and has already coordinated the development of national and regional institutional frameworks and programmes of work in 18 countries of the region with collaboration from international organizations including the CGIAR (especially IPGRI) and FAO. CAPGERNET's member countries are presently reviewing their options imposed by internationally binding conventions on PGR management that will hamper the flow of PGR within and into the region in the future. It seems likely that the countries will develop a multilateral system to facilitate access and benefit sharing with appropriate links to international organizations that will assist in ensuring compliance with the relevant conventions. In this paper issues related to PGR management in the Caribbean for the 21st century are reviewed. Essentially, the main issues are: the need for strengthening policy and legal frameworks at the national and regional levels; inventory and information systems development; in situ and ex situ conservation; the inclusion of small farmers and rural communities within a strategy to exploit under-utilised species for agriculture and medicine; training of farmers, technicians and researchers in PGR management; and the mobilization of financial resources in support of national and regional activities.
机译:加勒比地区的丰富的植物生物多样性正在侵蚀主要由人类活动,自然灾害,管理不善,保护和该地区的植物遗传资源(PGR)的利用率。在1996年之前,只有少数出口种植园的农业发展的关注导致农业农作物的狭窄遗传基础,并利用各种各样的物种。因此,遗传资源管理主要由一些机构处理,以支持传统的作物行业,除了古巴,圭亚那,波多黎各,法国领土和多米尼加共和国外,没有发展中没有国家或地区的PGR计划。然而,宏观经济对20世纪70年代后期开始的出口作物的宏观经济压力迫使该地区的政府开始思考作物多样化,生物多样性,保护和利用以及国家和区域方案的发展。为准备1996年的莱比锡会议,加勒比国家开始审查其在PGR的活动,后来接受了全球行动计划。因此,加勒比植物遗传资源网络(CAPGERNET)成立于1998年,至今已经有来自国际组织,包括国际农业研究磋商(尤其是植物遗传所合作协调的国家和地区的体制框架和工作方案的发展在18个国家地区的)和粮农组织。 CAPGERNET的成员国目前正检讨通过对PGR管理国际约束力的公约,这将阻碍内并在将来的区域PGR的流动施加他们的选择。似乎各国似乎会制定多边系统,以促进与国际组织的适当联系分享和惠益分享,以确保遵守相关公约。在本文中,综述了21世纪加勒比地区的PGR管理有关的问题。基本上,主要问题是:需要加强国家和区域一级的政策和法律框架;库存和信息系统的开发;原位和前所保护;将小农和农村社区列入策略中利用利用以供农业和医学的利用物种;培训农民,技术人员和PGR管理研究人员;并调动金融资源支持国家和区域活动。



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