首页> 外文会议>Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society >Developing a Bilingual Video/Video Podcast to Teach Clients How to Apply a Soil Drench Insecticide to Control a New Pest, the Fig Whltefly

Developing a Bilingual Video/Video Podcast to Teach Clients How to Apply a Soil Drench Insecticide to Control a New Pest, the Fig Whltefly




In Aug. 2007, the Miami-Dade County Extension office received numerous phone calls about a new problem with Ficus hedges. The cause was identified as the fig whitefly [Singhiella simplex (Singh)] in Oct. 2007. By Nov. 2007, a management protocol was developed, which included the use of a soil drench with a systemic neonicotinoid insecticide to help preserve natural enemies. Because there were many questions about application techniques from industry professionals, reports of misapplications and concerns about environmental impacts, the Miami-Dade County Extension horticultural staff decided that the best way to educate all possible clients was with a bilingual video demonstration of proper application techniques. The video was produced in-house using Extension educators and an Extension Advisory Committee member who is also an industry professional as the "talent." It includes information for both homeowners and professionals on proper methods of applying a soil drench. This was converted into segments and adapted for downloading via either a dial-up or a DSL connection and is posted on the Miami-Dade County Extension website. It has also been used in several workshops.
机译:在2007年8月,迈阿密 - 戴德县推广办公室收到了关于与榕对冲了新的问题无数次电话。原因被认定为烟粉虱[Singhiella单(辛格)]在2007年十月到2007年11月,一个管理协议被开发的图,其中包括与系统性烟碱类杀虫剂,以帮助使用浸润土壤的保护天敌。因为大约有行业人士应用技术的许多问题,误用和对环境影响的担忧的报道,迈阿密 - 戴德郡推广园艺工作人员决定,要教育所有潜在客户的最佳方式是与适当的应用技术双语视频演示。该视频被使用扩展教育和推广咨询委员会成员谁也是一个行业的专业为内部生产的“天赋”。它包括对应用土壤浇灌方法得当都房主和专业人士的信息。将其转化为段和适于经由无论是拨号或DSL连接下载并张贴在迈阿密 - 戴德郡推广网站上。它也已在几个车间使用。



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