
Is Lak Lake overfished?




Fish yields from Lak Lake increased by 2.3 percent between August 1997 and July 1999, and landed value by 14.1 percent. However, the status of the Lak fishery is highly species-specific, amounting to an estimated annual yield of 126-130 kg/ha. Over two years of surveys, the study has identified 40 fish species from catches in the lake. Fourteen major species accounted for an estimated 89.2 percent of the total yield over the two years. Six major gears account for most of the catch from Lak: fence-nets, gill-nets, long-lines, lift-nets, shrimp traps, and electrofishing gear. Data on the effects of electrofishing have not been possible to collect, as electrofishing is now banned. Gill-nets and fence-nets accounted for a total of 84 percent of the entire recorded yield, and probably put excessive pressure on some species. While overall yield and landed value from the lake have not declined, species diversity and the abundance of native fish species appear to be reduced. Restrictions on increases in fenceand gill-netting, especially the use of small mesh sizes, appear advisable. Electrofishing, which is highly non-selective, should be discouraged, and efforts made to encourage the cooperation of the fishing community in adopting measures to assure yield sustainability.
机译:1997年8月和1999年7月,Lak Lake的鱼产量增加了2.3%,并降落价值14.1%。但是,LAK渔业的地位是特定于特异性的,估计年产量为126-130公斤/公顷。这项研究已经过两年的调查,从湖中发现了40种鱼类。十四种主要物种占两年的总产量的89.2%。六个主要齿轮占LAK的大部分捕捞量:围栏网,鳃网,长线,升降网,虾陷阱和电捕获齿轮。由于现在禁止电拍摄,因此不可能收集电拍摄效果的数据。鳃网和围栏网的总录制产量的总数占84%,并且可能对某些物种施加过大的压力。虽然湖的总体产量和落地价值没有拒绝,但物种多样性和海底鱼类的丰富似乎都会减少。对Fenceand Gill-Netting的增加的限制,特别是使用小网状尺寸的使用,似乎可取。应该劝阻耐用,这是高度无选择性的,并努力鼓励渔业界的合作采取采取措施,以确保产量可持续性。



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