首页> 外文会议>自動車技術会大会 >Provisional-net energy-conversion efficiencies of Otto cycle: comparison of theoretical and provisional-net energy-conversion efficiency of each 4 kinds

Provisional-net energy-conversion efficiencies of Otto cycle: comparison of theoretical and provisional-net energy-conversion efficiency of each 4 kinds




In the Otto cycle, the difference is made to be the provisional-net work from serving the compression work in next cycle from theoretical work. As an energy-conversion efficiency [EC Effi.] from it, the provisional-net [P-Net] EC Effi. isobtained. That is to say, 4 kinds of P-Net EC Effi. are obtained from 4 kinds of theoretical EC Effi. They are "the absolute zero (0)-base P-Net thermal Effi. (η{sub}(thae))", "the cycle lowest state (A)-base P-Net thermal Effi. (η{sub}(thbe))", "theabsolute zero (0)-base P-Net energy Effi. (η{sub}(ENce))" and "the cycle lowest state (A)-base P-Net energy Effi. (η{sub}(ENde))". As a result, it is shown that the provisional-net efficiency clarifies more EC Effi. from the theoretical to the net.
机译:在奥托循环中,差异是从理论上工作中提供压缩工作的临时网络工作。作为能量转换效率[EC Effi。]从它中,临时净[P-Net] EC Effi。异交。也就是说,4种P-Net EC Effi。是从4种理论EC Effi中获得的。它们是“绝对零(0)-base p-net热效率。(η{sub}(thae))”,“循环最低状态(a)-base p-net热效。(η{sub}( Thbe)“,”Theabsolute零(0)-Base p-net能量效果。(η{sub}(ence))“和”循环最低状态(a)-base p-net能量效果。(η{sub }(ende))“。结果,表明临时净效率澄清了更多EC效率。从理论到网。



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