首页> 外文会议>Optical Fiber Communication Conference >Accurate frequency standard at 1556.2 nm based on a two-photon transition in rubidium for absolute calibration of WDM systems

Accurate frequency standard at 1556.2 nm based on a two-photon transition in rubidium for absolute calibration of WDM systems




With the increasing number of optical carriers and the narrowing of the channel spacing, dense WDM systems require absolute frequency control of their settings [1]. Optical frequency standards are being developed for the purpose of generating referencing scales, controlling the frequency of the WDM transmitters and calibrating measurement equipment and WDM frequency sensitive devices. Relatively simple frequency standards are based on the use of frequency-locked lasers to acetylene or hydrogen cyanide lines [2, 3]. Recently, a two-photon transition of rubidium at 778 nm [4] was used to lock a frequency-doubled 1556 nm laser that was used as a reference to improve the precision of the calibration of acetylene transitions [5]. We have developed a compact and portable version of this new at 1556.2 nm [6] and proceeded to an absolute frequency measurement by comparison with a Cs-primary frequency standard [7]. We present in this paper the results obtained in the frequency characterization of this new standard which reveals to be the most precise at the present time.
机译:随着光学载体数量的越来越多的光学载体和通道间距的缩小,密集的WDM系统需要对其设置的绝对频率控制[1]。正在开发光学频率标准,用于生成引用尺度,控制WDM发射器的频率和校准测量设备和WDM频率敏感设备。相对简单的频率标准基于将频率锁定的激光器的使用与乙炔或氰化氢线[2,3]的用途。最近,使用778nm [4]的双光子转变用于锁定频率加倍的1556nm激光器作为提高乙炔转变的校准的精度[5]。我们在1556.2NM [6]中开发了一个紧凑型和便携式版本,并通过与CS-初级频率标准进行比较进行绝对频率测量[7]。我们在本文中存在,在这种新标准的频率特征中获得的结果显示在目前最精确的新标准。



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