首页> 外文会议>"A. Corbella" school on organic synthesis >Domino Processes Involving Pericyclic Reactions

Domino Processes Involving Pericyclic Reactions




The development of new synthetic processes is one of the main goal of the research in organic synthesis and the increased sensibility of researcher to environmental problems has steered the modern research to the discovery of processes which can reduce the impact with the environment in term of ecology and economy. Nevertheless, the effect on pollution can be only limitedly reduced by the use of safe reagents and solvents (use of water as a solvent in many organic reactions is the sole example of success in this regard). Much more can be done on the side of minimisation of waste production in synthetic processes. This can be done by reducing the amount of reagents, additives, solvent used, but also the number of intermediates of a process that need to be isolated and worked-up. The construction of several bonds in a sequence without isolation of intermediates is by itself a big success on the route of an ecological and economical organic synthesis.



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