
Data mining and fuzzy modeling




Fuzzy models are constructs relying heavily on a qualitative domain knowledge and diverse optimization techniques. What makes them different from other models is their inherent embedding in the context of nonnumeric set or fuzzy set-oriented information. One can also look at the development of the fuzzy models from the perspective of data mining-a prudent and user-oriented sifting of data, qualitative observations and calibration of commonsense rules in an attempt to establish meaningful and useful relationships between system's variables. Having accepted this point of view, we analyze various methods of fuzzy clustering and make them uniform enough so that they can constitute a viable design platform. Several fuzzy clustering methods (especially Fuzzy C-Means) have been already exploited in the context of fuzzy modelling. Our claim is that these methods need some conceptual shift that makes them possible to cope with a notion of "directionality" of any model, namely its ability to determine the values of the output variable(s) given the actual values of the inputs and state variables. This aspect of directionality along with the assumed specificity of modelling, is addressed in depth and leads to a series of detailed algorithms.
机译:模糊模型是依赖于定性领域知识和多样化优化技术的结构。是什么让它们与其他模型不同是他们在非数字集或模糊定向信息的上下文中的固有嵌入。从数据挖掘的角度来看,还可以看看模糊模型的发展 - 以审慎和面向用户为导向的筛选数据,定性观察和致致通勤规则的校准,以便在系统变量之间建立有意义和有用的关系。接受了这一观点,我们分析了各种模糊聚类方法,使它们足够统一,以便它们可以构成可行的设计平台。在模糊建模的背景下已经利用了几种模糊聚类方法(特别是模糊C-means)。我们的索赔是,这些方法需要一些概念转变,使它们可以应对任何模型的“方向性”的概念,即它在给定指定输出变量的值的能力给定输入和状态的实际值变量。这种方向性以及假定的建模特异性,深入地解决了一系列详细算法。



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