
Considerations Regarding Nominating Lake Baikal as a World Heritage Site




We have already heard much about the wonders and the problems of Lake Baikal and its environs. 'Him* is little doubt that it qualifies as a World Heritage site. That will nut be a subject of great debate. Listing as u World Heritage .site is recognition by the Slates Parties that an area is of immense local and national importance as well as being of "outstanding universal value". Areas of "outstanding universal value" are placed on the World Heritage. List by the World Heritage Committee. These are the 21 elected representatives of the LW states which are parties to the Convention. In this paper, I propose tu present some of the considerations related to such a listing and to exploit* some of the problems which could arise.
机译:我们已经听到了关于贝加尔湖及其周边的奇迹和问题。 “他*毫无疑问,它有资格作为世界遗产。那将是一个伟大辩论的主题。上市作为U世界遗产。Site是由石板派对的认可,其中一个地区是巨大的地方和国家重要性以及“杰出普遍价值”。 “杰出普遍价值”的领域被放置在世界遗产上。名单由世界遗产委员会。 These are the 21 elected representatives of the LW states which are parties to the Convention.在本文中,我提出了与此类上市相关的一些考虑因素,并利用*可能出现的一些问题。



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