
Introductory Address




Two years have passed since the International Conference on Environment Protection and Development was held in Rio de Janeiro and which was an important milestone in the history of mankind.This meeting of heads of countries and governments that took place under the aegis of the United Nations stated that. nature protection is an indispensable component of sustainable development. So it is only natural that we are now considering this particular meeting as the next stage of implementation of the decisions taken in Rio de Janeiro. Of course, the practical implementation of those recommendations has to be tried on some concrete object. And we are grateful for the fact that the Lake Baikal Region has been recognised as a potential model territory for sustainable development. We believe that the recommendations of the Symposium that is being inaugurated today will allow us, the Republic of Buryatia, and neighbouring regions of the Lake Baikal Region to find the right balance between the solution of our socio-economic problems and environmental protection. It is especially important for us who live in the Republic of Buryatia because.
机译:自从中Rio de Janeiro举行的环境保护和发展国际会议以来,两年来通过,这是人类历史上的一个重要里程碑。本次举行的国家和政府主持人会议,该国在联合国驻联合国的院长陈述那。自然保护是可持续发展不可或缺的组成部分。因此,我们现在只考虑这种特殊会议,只要在Rio de Janeiro所采取的决定的下一级,我们就是很自然。当然,这些建议的实际实施必须在一些具体对象上试验。我们非常感谢贝加尔湖地区被认为是可持续发展的潜在模型领土。我们认为,今天落后的研讨会的建议将允许我们,贝加尔湖湖泊和贝加尔湖邻近地区找到了对社会经济问题和环境保护解决方案之间的合适的平衡。对于居住在布里亚特共和国的美国来说,这对我们来说尤为重要。



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