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Respiratory-triggered electron beam CT with integrated spirometry for evaluation of dynamic airflow




The purpose is to integrate time-attenuation curves from Electron-Beam CT with flow-time curves from spirometry in the analysis of airflow obstruction. A pressure-sensitive switch was connected between a spirometer mouthpiece and a modified EBCT scanner keyboard. The onset of expiratory flow causes pressure changes which simultaneously trigger EBCT and spirometric acquisitions. Subjects performed a forced expiratory maneuver, during which EBCT images of the lung were obtained every 500 ms using 130 kVp, 630 mA, 100 ms scan time and 3 mm collimation. From EBCT images, time-attenuation curves were generated for each of three zones (non-dependent, middle and dependent lung) using small ROIs (12 mm$+2$/) placed over approximately the same anatomic regions of lung. The resulting time- attenuation curves and flow-time curves were then superimposed. Two normal subjects, two subjects with emphysema and three lung transplant subjects have been studied to date. In normal subjects, lung attenuation increases steadily during the first 4 - 6 seconds of expiration, whereas in patients with emphysema, lung attenuation was relatively constant over the course of expiration. Lung transplant subjects show both of these characteristics - normal characteristics for the transplant lung and emphysematous characteristics for the native lung. Lung transplant subjects may also demonstrate some dynamics between transplant and diseased lung. Respiratory-triggered EBCT can be used to simultaneously acquire time-attenuation and flow-time data. This has been used to characterize dynamic airflow patterns in patients with respiratory disease.
机译:目的是将时间衰减曲线与电子束CT的时间衰减曲线与来自气流阻塞分析中的流量 - 时间曲线。压敏开关在肺部嘴和改进的EBCT扫描仪键盘之间连接。呼气流的开始导致压力变化,同时触发EBCT和肺活量的采集。受试者进行了强制呼气机动,在使用130kVP,630mA,100mS扫描时间和3mm准直的每500毫秒获得肺的EBCT图像。从EBCT图像中,使用小的rice(12mm $ + 2 $ /)在大约相同的肺部的解剖区域上,为三个区域(非依赖性,中间和肺部)中的每一个产生时间衰减曲线。然后叠加得到的时间衰减曲线和流量曲线。迄今为止,已经研究了两个具有肺气肿和三个肺移植受试者的两个受试者。在正常的受试者中,肺衰减在前4-6秒的到期期间稳定地增加,而在肺气肿的患者中,在呼气过程中肺衰减相对恒定。肺移植受试者展示了这些特征 - 移植肺的正常特征和天然肺的催眠特征。肺移植受试者也可能展示移植和患病肺之间的一些动态。呼吸触发的EBCT可用于同时获取时间衰减和流量时间数据。这已被用于表征呼吸系统患者的动态气流模式。



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