




A genetic screen was used to isolate mutants in Arahidopsis thaliana that produce seed without pollination; these should include mutants that are apomictic. The screen is based on the visual difference in length between a seed pod that is seedless (short silique) and one in which seed is formed normally by self-pollination and fertilization (long silique). The rationale of the screen is to mutagenize a stamenless (and therefore pollenless) mutant of Arabidopsis with short siliques into plants that form seed without pollination and therefore have long siliques. Using the shortness of siliques of the Arabidopsis mutant pistillata (pi) compared with wild type as the basis of our genetic screen for apomixis, a number of mutants have been isolated which have fertilization independent partial seed development (fis1, fis2 and fis3) and some mutants which may have a low frequency of fertilization independent complete seed development (fis4). Homozygous pistillata (pi/pi) or heterozygous pi/PI seeds were mutagenized with ethylmethanesulphonate and screened for dominant and recessive mutants, respectively. In 40 000 M_2 pi/pi plants, eight mutants have been identified in which partial development of seeds occurs without fertilization (Fis phenotype). Three mutants, fis1, fis2 and fis3, have been characterized. In each of the three mutants, endosperm develops normally to the point of cellularization. At a lower frequency, embryos are also seen that degenerate without development beyond the globular stage. Following pollination, the maternal embryos formed are arrested at the torpedo stage and the endosperm develops to the cellular breakdown stage. Each of these three mutants has been mapped to a different chromosomal location in the Arabidopsis genome. After screening 15 000 M_1 plants, 22 sectored inflorescences with Fis phenotype were also identified. In particular, the mutant fis4, in which autonomous functional seeds are apparently formed without pollination, is being investigated. All these mutants define genes which promote seed development without fertilization and may be associated with the cases of apomixis seen in many angiosperms.
机译:遗传筛网用于分离在没有授粉的植物植物中的突变体中分离出种子的突变体;这些应包括截止物的突变体。屏幕基于种子荚之间的长度的视觉差异,即无籽(短的Silique),并且通过自授粉和施肥通常通常形成种子(长Silique)。筛选的基本原理是使拟南芥的无限(和因此无种)突变体诱使,用短的单片机进入没有授粉的种子的植物中,因此具有长的单片机。利用拟南芥突变体激发虫(PI)的单位的短积与野生型作为我们遗传筛对apomixis的基础相比,已经分离了许多突变体,其具有独立的部分种子发育(FIS1,FIS2和FIS3)和一些突变体可能具有低频率施肥的突变体独立完全种子发育(FIS4)。用乙基甲磺酸甲酯诱变纯合并激发菌(PI / PI)或杂合PI / PI种子,并分别筛选用于显性和隐性突变体。在40 000 m_2 pi / pi植物中,已鉴定出八个突变体,其中出现种子的部分发育而没有受精(FIS表型)。已经表征了三个突变体,FIS1,FIS2和FIS3。在三个突变体中的每一个中,胚乳正常发展到细胞化点。在较低的频率下,胚胎也被看出,在没有超越球阶段的情况下堕落。在授粉之后,形成的母体胚胎在鱼雷阶段被捕,并且胚乳对细胞分解阶段产生。这三种突变体中的每一个已被映射到拟南芥基因组中的不同染色体位置。在筛选15000 m_1植物后,还鉴定了22种具有FIS表型的扇形花序。特别地,正在研究突变体FIS4,其中自主官能种子显然没有授粉的无授粉。所有这些突变体都定义了促进种子发育而不受精的基因,并且可能与许多高血管植物中所见的Apomixis病例相关联。



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