
Synthesis of photorealistic whole earth imagery




ty of remotely sensed digital imagery data sources now exists that enable the computer graphics synthesis of convincing real, whole Earth images similar to those recorded by orbiting astronauts using conventional photographic techniques. Within data resolution limitations, such data sets can be rendered (using three dimensional graphics technologies) to produce views of our planet from any vantage point. By utilizing time series of collected data in conjunction with synthetic Lambertian lighting models, such views can be animated, in time, to produce dynamic visualizations of the Earth and its weather systems. This paper describes an effort to produce an animation for commercial use in the broadcast industry. To be used for entertainment purposes, the animation was designed to show the dramatic, fluid nature of the Earth as it might appear from space. GOES infra red imagery was collected over the western hemisphere for 15 days at half hour intervals. This imagery was processed to remove sensor artifacts and drop-outs and to create synthetic imagery which appears to the observer to be nature visible wavelength imagery. Cloud free imagery of the entire planet, re-sampled to 4 Km resolution, based on mosaicked AVHRR, polar orbiting imagery was used as a 'base map' to reflect surface features. Graphics techniques to simulate Lambertian lighting of the Earth surface were used to impart the effects of changing solar illumination. All of the graphics elements were then, on a frame by frame basis, digitally composited together, with varying cloud transparency to produce the final rendered imagery, which in turn is recorded onto video tape.
机译:现在存在远程感测的数字图像数据源现在存在,使计算机图形合成能够使用传统的摄影技术通过轨道宇航员记录的那些相似的令人信服的真实地球图像。在数据分辨率的限制内,可以呈现这样的数据集(使用三维图形技术)来从任何有利位置生成我们行星的视图。通过利用与合成兰伯语照明型号结合的时间序列收集的数据,这种视图可以及时动画,以产生地球的动态可视化及其天气系统。本文介绍了在广播行业中生产用于商业用途的动画。为了用于娱乐目的,动画旨在展示地球的戏剧性流体性质,因为它可能出现在空间中。在半小时的时间间隔内,在西半球收集红外图像。处理此图像以除去传感器伪影和辍学,并创建综合图像,这些图像显示出观察者是自然可见波长图像。整个行星的无云图像,基于Mosaicked AVHRR,Polar轨道图像的全球重新采样到4公里分辨率,用作“基本地图”以反映表面特征。用于模拟地球表面的灯光照明的图形技术用于赋予变化太阳能照明的影响。然后,所有图形元素都是按帧的基础上的帧,数字化在一起,具有不同的云透明度来产生最终呈现的图像,从而记录到录像带上。



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