首页> 外文会议>Military Communications Conference >SOF tactical data networks using commercially available packet equipment

SOF tactical data networks using commercially available packet equipment




This paper presents an interim solution for the development of tactical data networks (TDN) for use by special operation forces (SOF) engaged in operations other than war (OOTW) and similar missions. Missions typified by OOTW generally require messages of greater length than typically handled by SOF communication systems. Additionally, the frequency of these messages may be hourly or less. Often this information requirement can exceed the individual message handling capability of current team-level communications systems. A commercially available packet radio terminal node controller (TNC) was used as part of a digital communications wide area network during Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti. The experience gained with this system and later research suggests that commercially available TNCs can be easily modified to create tactical packet networks. Such networks could provide an interim solution to the challenge of sending and receiving relatively large amounts of information in unattended operation. This paper describes these networks that would enable deployed teams to communicate more effectively and efficiently with other elements than by using traditional communication methods to contact them. These elements are those within and beyond the current operational area.
机译:本文介绍了用于开发战术数据网络(TDN)的临时解决方案,用于由在战争(OOTW)以外的操作和类似的任务中使用的特殊操作力(SOF)使用。 OOTW典型的任务通常需要比通常由SOF通信系统处理的更大长度的消息。另外,这些消息的频率可以是每小时或更少。通常,此信息需求可能超过当前团队级通信系统的单独消息处理能力。商业上可获得的分组无线终端节点控制器(TNC)被用作在海地的行动中秉承民主期间数字通信广域网的一部分。该系统和更高版本获得的经验表明,可以轻松修改市售的TNC以创建战术包网络。这种网络可以为在无人参与操作中​​发送和接收相对大量信息的挑战提供临时解决方案。本文介绍了这些网络,这些网络将使部署的团队能够更有效地通过其他元素沟通,而不是使用传统的通信方法与它们联系。这些元素是当前操作区域内外的元素。



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