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Towards Gestural Specificity in Interactive Digital Literary Narratives




In the domain of digital or electronic literature1, interactive works have already existed for several decades. In an interactive creation, manipulations by the readers are often required so that they can move through the work (for instance in hypertextual narratives). Such manipulations, in these interactive digital creations, are not radically new and there are many examples of literary works which require physical interventions on the part of the reader; for example in Raymond Queneau's Cent mille milliards de poemes the reader must construct sonnets from a number of individually printed lines of poetry. Espen Aarseth proposes the term "ergodic literature" to describe this kind of works, arguing that "in ergodic literature, nontrivial effort is required to allow the reader to traverse the text" (Aarseth 1997: 1). Yet while some print works do require that the reader provides some physical input, what is somewhat new in interactive digital works is the fact that it is the text itself, and not only the physical medium, which acquires a dimension of manipulation. A digital text, as well as being a text provided for reading, can also afford an opportunity for manipulation. This dimension of the manipulation of the text, but also the whole range of semiotic forms (text, image, sound, video), opens a large field of possibilities in interactive digital creations. But to what extent can one speak of a gesturality specific to the Digital? We will focus on two interactive digital narratives among our own creations to try to answer this question.
机译:在数字或电子文献1的领域中,互动工程已经存在了几十年。在交互式创建中,通常需要读者的操作,以便他们可以通过工作(例如在超缩短叙述中)。在这些交互式数字创作中,这种操纵不是从根本上新的,并且有许多文学作品的示例需要在读者的一部分上进行物理干预;例如,在Raymond Queneau的Cent Mille Milliards De Poemes读者必须从许多独立印刷的诗歌中建造Sonnet。 Espen Aarseth提出了“ergodic文学”一词来描述这种作品,认为“在ergodic文献中,需要非努力来允许读者遍历文本”(Aarseth 1997:1)。然而,虽然某些打印工程确实要求读者提供一些物理输入,但交互式数字工作中有些新的新方法是它是文本本身,而不仅是获得操纵维度的物理介质。数字文本以及作为阅读的文本,也可以为操作有机会。这种操作的维度,还可以在整个符号形式(文本,图像,声音,视频)中,开启了互动数字创作的大领域。但在多大程度上可以说出特定于数字特定的手势?我们将专注于我们自己创作中的两个互动数字叙述,以试图回答这个问题。



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