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Combining Machine Learning with Shortest Path Methods: Discovering, Visualizing, and Analyzing Hollywood's Power Clusters to Go From Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon to Knowing Colin Firth

机译:使用最短路径方法结合机器学习:发现,可视化和分析好莱坞的电力集群从六度凯文培根到了解Colin Firth



This paper describes a method to model, discover, and visualize communities in social networks. It makes use of a novel method based on the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" principle: find the shortest path between entities in a social graph and then discover communities based on clustering with those shortest-path distances. We have applied this idea to find Hollywood's power clusters based on IMDB (Internet Movie Database), which links actors to movies. Using this method, we found roughly three clusters of Hollywood elite actors, the largest of which contained many of Hollywood's best-known actors. For living actors, we found Colin Firth (who played Pride and Prejudice's Mr. Darcy), Javier Bardem (who played a psychopathic killer in No Country for Old Men), and Joaquin Phoenix (who played Johnny Cash and a Roman Emperor in Gladiator) to be some of the most well-connected actors in Hollywood. This suggests that analyzing a social network using our method can lead to some surprising results.
机译:本文介绍了一种模拟,发现和可视化社交网络中社区的方法。它利用了一种基于“六个凯文培根”原则的新方法:找到社交图中的实体之间的最短路径,然后根据这些最短路径距离发现社区。我们已经应用了这个想法,找到基于IMDB(Internet电影数据库)的好莱坞的电力集群,这将演员链接到电影。使用这种方法,我们发现了大约三个好莱坞精英演员的集群,其中最多包含了许多好莱坞最着名的演员。对于生活演员,我们发现Colin Firth(骄傲和偏见的达西先生),Javier Bardem(在任何国家在老人扮演一个精神病杀手),Joaquin Phoenix(曾在角斗士播放Johnny Cash和Roman皇帝)是好莱坞的一些最良好连接的演员。这表明使用我们的方法分析社交网络可能导致一些令人惊讶的结果。



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