首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Agricultural Engineering >High Capacity Draper Header: Development of a high capacity draper header for a new generation of combine harvesters

High Capacity Draper Header: Development of a high capacity draper header for a new generation of combine harvesters

机译:高容量Draper Header:开发高容量的Draper标题,用于新一代的联合收割机



The continued evolution of combine harvesting equipment to maximize capacity while minimizing loss is requiring advancements in associated crop harvesting headers. To enable maximum harvest system productivity and efficiency, combine headers are becoming wider and are being developed to manage unprecedented material throughput rates. Maximizing captured grain while maintaining optimum harvest system efficiency is of foremost importance for these wider heads - which has driven the development of hinged frame draper headers. This paper will cover the development methods used to optimize the components that enable wide, hinged frame drapers to follow terrain and minimize crop losses.
机译:相结合收获设备的持续演变以最大限度地提高容量,同时最大限度地减少损失,需要在相关的作物收集标题中提高进步。为了实现最大收获系统的生产率和效率,联合标题正在变得更广泛,正在开发出来管理前所未有的材料吞吐率。最大化捕获的谷物,同时保持最佳的收获系统效率对于这些更广泛的头部来说是最重要的 - 这已经推动了铰接框架滴的发射。本文将介绍用于优化实现宽阔的框架窗帘的组件的开发方法跟随地形并最大限度地减少作物损失。



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