
Securing Tire Pressure Monitoring System




Potential security attacks on vehicular networks have been ceaselessly growing. All the known wireless security attacks in addition to vehicle network specific attacks can possibly be experienced. They can target the privacy of the driver and the integrity and confidentiality of messages sent and received within the vehicle and those messages travelling outside the vehicle. One of those possible attacks can be directed at the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) sensor. The message broadcasted by the sensor is intended for the TPMS Electronic Control Unit (TPMS ECU). This message cannot be encrypted and authenticated due to the lack of processing capabilities at the sensor side, and therefore, it could be attacked. If the attack is successful, the ID of the sensor, which is unique and transmitted in all broadcasted messages, will be invested to track vehicles, and thus, violating drivers' privacy. Furthermore, the attacker can replace the original message with a malicious one that could possibly adversely impact other Electronic Control Units. This paper attempts to secure the TPMS by suggesting the inclusion of smart sensors to replace the current sensors. Since these smart sensors possess computing power, encryption and authentication will be made possible. The original ID is replaced with an anonymous one, and the whole message including the IDs are encrypted. An unsophisticated encryption approach is used. Both the key and the anonymous ID are replaced with fresh ones after each message is received.
机译:对车辆网络的潜在安全攻击是不断增长的。除了车辆网络特定攻击之外,所有已知的无线安全攻击都可能经验丰富。他们可以针对驾驶员的隐私以及在车辆内发送和接收的消息的完整性和机密性以及在车辆外部行驶的消息。其中一个可能的攻击可以指向轮胎压力监测系统(TPMS)传感器。传感器广播的消息用于TPMS电子控制单元(TPMS ECU)。由于传感器侧的处理能力缺乏处理功能,因此无法加密和认证此消息,因此,它可能会受到攻击。如果攻击成功,则将投资于所有广播消息中唯一和传输的传感器的ID,以跟踪车辆,从而违反驱动程序的隐私。此外,攻击者可以用恶意的攻击消息替换原始信息,可能对其他电子控制单元产生不利影响。本文试图通过建议包含智能传感器来替换电流传感器来保护TPM。由于这些智能传感器具有计算能力,因此可以进行加密和认证。原始ID被匿名替换,包括IDS的整个消息是加密的。使用不精确的加密方法。在接收到每条消息后,键和匿名ID都被新鲜替换为新鲜。



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