首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Design, User Experience, and Usability >Using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) in Understanding Current User-Support Scenario in the Climate Science Domain of Cyber-Infrastructures

Using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) in Understanding Current User-Support Scenario in the Climate Science Domain of Cyber-Infrastructures

机译:使用软系统方法(SSM)在了解网络 - 基础设施气候科学领域的当前用户支持方案



Cyber-infrastructures have transformed the practice of research. Researchers can now access distributed data worldwide with the help of cyber-infrastructures. User support services play an important role to facilitate researchers to accomplish their research goals with the help of cyber-infrastructures. However, the current user-support practices in cyber-infrastructures are not properly organized (at least in climate cyber-infrastructures) thus over-burdening human support agents. The paper describes the study conducted to evaluate the geographically distributed user-support system currently in practice in the leading cyber-infrastructure namely Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF). The members of the investigation team found out that the user-support in ESGF, a global climate cyber-infrastructure need more attention to make it resourceful as well as standardized. The findings about end-user support system were modelled using soft systems methodology (SSM). This approach helped to present the findings of this study to stakeholders in order to capture their feedback about the current system to further improve the system.
机译:网络基础设施改变了研究的实践。研究人员现在可以在网络基础设施的帮助下访问全球分布式数据。用户支持服务发挥着重要作用,以促进研究人员在网络基础设施的帮助下实现他们的研究目标。然而,网络基础设施中的当前用户支持实践没有适当地组织(至少在气候网络 - 基础设施中),从而过度负担人体支持剂。本文介绍了对当前在领先的网络基础设施中的地理系统网格联合(ESGF)中的地理分布式用户支持系统进行了评估。调查团队的成员发现,ESGF中的用户支持,全球气候网络基础设施需要更多地关注使其能够使其能够使其能够和标准化。关于最终用户支持系统的调查结果是使用软系统方法(SSM)进行建模的。这种方法有助于向利益相关者展示本研究的调查结果,以捕获其关于当前系统的反馈,以进一步改善系统。



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