
Arsenic removal by iron-based nanomaterials




Processes based on the use of iron-based nanoparticles (FeNPs) have proved to be a promiseing technology for the removal of a wide range of pollutants including metals and metalloids in water,being simple and low-cost procedures for removal of As(III)/As(V).FeNPs such as zerovalent iron nanoparticles (nZVI).nanoparticles of iron oxides (FeONPs) as hematite or magnetite,and iron-based nanoparticles prepared from natural extracts of plants or seeds (as yerba mate and green tea) have a larger surface area/volume ratio and exceptional adsorption properties compared with micro-or macrosized materials,with the advantages of an effective removal of pollutants at very low concentrations and a low generation of sludge.Laboratory experiments have been performed to evaluate the efficiency of some iron-based nanoparticles for removal of As(III)/(v) studying the influence of the initial concentration of the pollutant,the NP mass,the pollutan:FeNP molar ratio pH,the presence of O2,among other variables.In this presentation,a brief review on the use of FeNPs fo As removal from water and some results of our laboratory will be presented.
机译:已证明基于铁基纳米粒子(FENPS)的方法是一种借鉴技术,用于去除各种污染物,包括金属和水中的金属,简单和低成本的移除(III)的程序/ as(v)。如Zerovalent铁纳米粒子(NZVI)。氧化铁(FeONP)的血液或磁铁矿,以及由植物或种子的天然提取物制备的铁基纳米粒子(作为Yerba Mate和Green Tea)的氧化铁纳米粒子与微型或宏观材料相比,更大的表面积/体积比和卓越的吸附性能,在非常低浓度和低产生的污泥中有效地去除污染物的优点。已经进行了制造实验以评估一些效率用于去除AS(III)/(v)研究污染物初始浓度,NP质量,污染物:FENP摩尔比pH,O2的存在的影响,以及其他Variab的纳米粒子LES.IN本演示文稿,简要介绍了使用FENPS FO作为从水中的去除和我们实验室的一些结果的使用。



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