首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Life, Innovation, Change and Knowledge >The Influence of Personal Factor And Psychological Factor Toward Costumers' Decision In Choosing 'Britama' Saving At BRI Branch Bank of Lahat

The Influence of Personal Factor And Psychological Factor Toward Costumers' Decision In Choosing 'Britama' Saving At BRI Branch Bank of Lahat




This research aimed to know (1) the influence of personal factor towards costumers decision in choosing "Britama" saving at BRI Branch Bank of Lahat, (2) the influence of psychological factor towards costumers' decision in choosing "Britama" saving at BRI Branch Bank of Lahat, (3) the influence of personal and psychological factor toward costumers' decision in choosing "Britama" saving at BRI Branch Bank of Lahat, (4) the magnitude influence of personal factor and psychology factor towardcostumers decision in choosing "Britama" saving at BRI Branch Bank of Lahat. This research was a causality research. Population of this research was all BRITAMA saving costumers which amounts of 192 persons. The total of sample was 130 persons were determined by Slovin formula. Sample were chosen by purposive sampling technique. Data were collected by questionnaire method and were analyzed by using multiple linier regression analysis. Research findings showed that (1) personal factor took effect toward costumers decision with tobtained value (9.203) > t - table (1.978), (2) psychology factor has no effect toward costumer decision with tobtained value (0.364) < t - table (1.978), (3) personal factor and psychology factor took effet toward costumers decision with Fobtained (42.566)>F - table (3.07), (4) the magnitude influence of personal factor and psychology factor toward costumers decision is 40.1%, which is shown by determination coefficient value (R Square) is 0.401.
机译:这项研究旨在知道(1)个人因素对Costumers在Lahat Bri Branch Bank拯救“Bri Chang Bank”拯救的作用作出的影响,(2)在Bri Branch选择“Britama”拯救“Britama”拯救的心理因素拉哈特银行,(3)个人和心理因素在拉HAHAT BRI分行储蓄选择“Brianama”拯救“Briama”拯救的作用,(4)个人因素和心理因素的幅度影响选择“Britama”的决策在拉哈特BRI分行银行储蓄。这项研究是一个因果关系研究。本研究人口是所有的英国人保存服装,其中占192人。样品总量是130人,通过斯洛林公式测定。用目的采样技术选择样品。通过问卷方法收集数据,并通过使用多元回归分析来分析。研究结果表明,(1)个人因素对加强价值(9.203)> T - 表(1.978),(2)心理因子对COPTIMER值的决定没有影响(0.364) F - 表(3.07),(4)个人因素和心理因素对服装决定的幅度影响为40.1%,这是40.1%通过确定系数值(R平方)表示为0.401。



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