
Leading from the Engine Room




This paper explores relationships and challenges facing teams creating simulation-based learning environments. Drawing on our experience of governance within Australian Indigenous cultures and specific work incidents as case studies, we explore tensions, triumphs and insights occurring during collaborative ventures intended to produce online learning activities. Our view is 'from the engine room' - at that point where technology and design expertise reframe creative 'story boards' into 'interactive learning experiences' requiring productive harnessing of diversity. Creation of scenario-based learning environments requires an understanding of specific content, along with the array of available learning pathways. Appreciating pitfalls likely to hinder the design process is vital. Scenarios use specific, and specialized artefacts and technologies to create interactive learning environments; computer-based technologies make the process even more complex, requiring highly specialized skills to contribute particular elements. More and more people are involved, and a greater number of specializations contribute to the final product. We draw on Human Computer Interaction practices to explore designer - developer interfaces and explore what may be involved in developing aware, conscious leadership of this emergent complexity. Words penned by Harrison (1967) aptly encapsulate our theme - "We were talking about the space between us all".
机译:本文探讨了与基于模拟的学习环境的团队面临的关系和挑战。借鉴我们在澳大利亚土着文化和具体工作事件中的治理经验,作为案例研究,我们探讨了在旨在生产在线学习活动的合作企业期间发生的紧张局势,胜利和见解。我们的观点是“来自发动机室” - 此时,技术和设计专业知识将创造性的“故事板”重新进入“互动学习经验”,需要生产的多样性。创建基于场景的学习环境需要了解特定内容,以及可用的学习途径数组。欣赏可能阻碍设计过程的陷阱至关重要。场景使用特定的和专业的人工制品和技术来创建互动学习环境;基于计算机的技术使过程更加复杂,需要高度专业技能来贡献特定的元素。涉及越来越多的人,更多的专业化有助于最终产品。我们利用人机互动实践来探索设计师 - 开发人员接口,并探索可能涉及开发意识,有意识的这种紧急复杂性的领导。哈里森(1967年)撰写的单词恰如其封装了我们的主题 - “我们正在谈论我们之间的空间”。



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