首页> 外文会议>International Dentistry Scientific Meeting >Evaluation of Upper and Lower Lip Growth following Cronin Method Labioplasty in Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip and Palate Cases

Evaluation of Upper and Lower Lip Growth following Cronin Method Labioplasty in Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip and Palate Cases




The importance of lips in influencing facial profile quality is now a major consideration in the surgical treatment of patients with cleft lips. Orbicularis oris reconstruction is important in the Cronin method of labioplasty in order to balance upper lip growth. This study evaluates upper- and lower lip growth following Cronin method labioplasty in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) based on the protocol of the Cleft Center Harapan Kita General Hospital. After undergoing the Cronin method of labioplasty, 36 patients with UCLP were photographed on the anterior and lateral sides using a standardized method at ages 1 and 2 years. The upper and lower lips were measured and compared. At 1 year of age, the lower lip height and vermillion length were slightly lesser than the upper lip height and vermillion length. At 2 years of age, the lower lip height and vermillion length were slightly lesser than the upper lip height and vermillion length. The lower lip was 94%-95% as large as the upper lip. Based on anthropometric measurements, the vertical height and vermillion length of the upper and lower lips in UCLP cases increases with age after following Cronin method of labioplasty.
机译:嘴唇在影响面部型材质量的重要性现在是患有裂缝嘴唇的手术治疗的主要考虑因素。 orbicularis的oris重建在阴塑术的克隆林方法中是重要的,以平衡上唇生长。本研究评估克隆林法在单侧裂隙唇和口感(UCLP)患者中的胶林素法的上下唇生长,基于Harapan Kita综合医院的裂口中心的议定书。在经历了阴唇成形术后,使用标准化方法在1和2年的标准化方法上拍摄了36例患有UCLP的UCLP患者。测量并比较上下嘴唇。在1年龄,唇高度和粽子长度略小于上唇高度和粽子长度。在2岁时,下唇高度和粽子长度略小于上唇高度和粽子长度。下唇为上唇为94%-95%。基于人类测量测量,UCLP病例上下唇的垂直高度和粽子长度随着唇形成形术后的克隆蛋白方法之后的年龄而增加。



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