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An Understanding Demographic Bonus and Its Implication among Teenagers in Deli Serdang District




Population structure in Deli Serdang District showed that the productive age (15-64 years) was greater than non-productive age (children and elderly). This condition is called demographic bonus, which is predicted will occur in 2020. This study tried to describe the understanding of demographic bonus and its implication among teenagers in four (4) sub-districts in Deli Serdang District which were near Kuala Namu International Airport. The samples were teenagers aged 15-24 years and data were collected by interviewing them. The result showed that only 12.6% of the teenagers knew about the definition of demographic bonus. About 64,6% of teenagers agreed that in connection with the demographic bonus, then employment for teenagers was very important. The fact that many residents were young but accompanied by a lack of access to education, skills and employment were a worrying combination according to 87.6% teenagers. Only 58.6% of teenagers felt the benefits as an economic opportunity of the presence of the airport for their areas. Meanwhile, 32.6% of teenagers stated that there was no benefits due to the presence of the airport. Eventhough many of teenagers (74.7%) stated that with the economic opportunity of the presence of the airport creating jobs in this area, but many teenagers were unemployment. The Deli Serdang local government should give information about demographic bonus and its implication to the teenagers. Otherwise, they will lose the chance to enjoy the demographic bonus which offered a significant opportunity for the Deli Serdang's economic development if teenagers' work skills and aptitude were developed as soon as possible.
机译:德里塞德塘区的人口结构表明,生产年龄(15-64岁)大于非生产年龄(儿童和老年人)。这种情况称为人口奖励,预计将在2020年发生。这项研究试图描述在吉尔纳姆苏国际机场附近的四(4)个子区四(4)个子地区的青少年对人口奖金的理解及其在吉尔瓦纳姆国际机场附近的四(4)个子地区的含义。样品是年龄15-24岁的青少年,通过面试来收集数据。结果表明,只有12.6%的青少年知道人口奖励的定义。大约64,6%的青少年同意与人口奖金有关,然后对青少年就业非常重要。许多居民年轻但伴随着缺乏教育,技能和就业的事实是根据87.6%的青少年的令人担忧的组合。只有58.6%的青少年感受到了机场为他们的地区存在的经济机会的好处。与此同时,32.6%的青少年表示,由于机场的存在,没有福利。许多青少年(74.7%)表示,随着机场存在的经济机会在这一领域创造就业机会,但许多青少年都是失业率。 Deli Serdang地方政府应提供有关人口奖金的信息及其对青少年的含义。否则,他们将失去享受人口奖励的机会,如果青少年的工作技能和能力尽快开发,那么为Deli Serdang的经济发展提供了重要机会。



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