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Assessment of Natural Regeneration of Mangrove Species at Tsunami Affected Areas in Indonesia and Malaysia




Indian Ocean tsunami caused extensive damage on human life and coastal environments, including fragmented mangroves prior to 2004 tsunami. The natural regeneration of mangrove woody species was assessed in four tidal coasts of Aceh and Peninsular Malaysia during August 2015 to August 2016. A total of 23 mangrove woody species was recorded and they having good ability in term of natural regeneration at tsunami affected areas. The North coast of Aceh was recorded as richest mangrove with 22 species, followed by East coast of Aceh (17 species) and Peninsular Malaysia coast (13 species). In addition, the poorest mangrove was found in West coast of Aceh (7 species). Some species, such as Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, Nypa fruticans, Scaevola taccada and Sonneratia caseolaris are found growing well in all sites. In contrast, Bruguiera cylindrica is only found in West coast of Peninsular Malaysia as same as Ceriops tagal, Phoenix paludosa and Sonneratia ovata are only found in North coast of Aceh. To date, some areas of natural regenerated mangrove were ruined by negative activities, such as illegal cutting and encroachment. Therefore, public consultations and community participations were needed to develop and conserve the important natural assets.
机译:印度洋海啸造成的对人的生命和沿海环境,包括在2004年之前的海啸碎片红树林的破坏。红树木本物种的自然再生亚齐和马来西亚半岛四个潮汐海岸2015年8月期间进行了评估,以2016年八月,共有23个红树木本物种记录并具有自然再生的期限在海啸受灾地区的能力不错,他们。亚齐省北部海岸被记录为最富有的红树林有22种,其次是亚齐东海岸(17种)和马来西亚半岛海岸(13种)。此外,最贫穷的红树林在亚齐(7种)的西海岸被发现。有些品种,如红树,R. mucronata,水椰,斯凯沃拉taccada和海桑被发现在所有站点长势良好。相比之下,柱果木榄只在马来西亚半岛西海岸的一样果木,凤凰蚊和卵叶海桑仅在亚齐省北部海岸发现的发现。迄今为止,天然红树林再生的一些地区受到消极活动,如非法砍伐和侵占破坏。因此,需要有公众协商和社区参股,开发和保护的重要的自然资产。



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