首页> 外文会议>International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants >Multi-dimensional Mixing Behavior of Steam-Water Flow in a Downcomer Annulus during LBLOCA Reflood Phase with a DVI Injection Mode

Multi-dimensional Mixing Behavior of Steam-Water Flow in a Downcomer Annulus during LBLOCA Reflood Phase with a DVI Injection Mode

机译:利用DVI喷射模式,在Lbloca reshood相期间蒸汽水流量的多维混合行为



Multi-dimensional thermal-hydraulic behavior in the downcomer annulus of a pressurized water reactor vessel with a Direct Vessel Injection (DVI) mode is presented based on the experimental observation in the MIDAS (Multi-dimensional Investigation in Downcomer Annulus Simulation) steam-water test facility. From the steady-state test results to simulate the late reflood phase of a Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Accidents (LBLOCA), isothermal lines show the multi-dimensional phenomena of a phasic interaction between steam and water in the downcomer annulus very well. MIDAS is a steam-water separate effect test facility, which is 1/4.93 linearly scaled-down of 1400 MWe PWR type of a nuclear reactor, focused on understanding multi-dimensional thermal-hydraulic phenomena in downcomer annulus with various types of safety injection during the refill or reflood phase of a LBLOCA. The initial and the boundary conditions are scaled from the pre-test analysis based on the preliminary calculation using the TRAC code. The superheated steam with a superheating degree of 80 K at a given downcomer pressure of 180 kPa is injected equally through three intact cold legs into the downcomer.
机译:基于MIDAS中的实验观察(降液管仿真中的多维调查)蒸汽水试验,提出了一种具有直接血管注射(DVI)模式的加压水反应器容器的液位环中的多维热液压行为设施。从稳态测试结果来模拟较近突破冷却剂的液体损失的阶段(Lbloca),等温线呈现出蒸汽和水之间的相相互作用的多维现象,其较好的环。 Midas是一种蒸汽水分离效果测试设施,它是1 / 4.93线性缩小的1400 MWE PWR型核反应堆,专注于了解在脱涤器环中的多维热液压现象,各种类型的安全注入Lbloca的再填充或反射相。基于使用TRAC代码的初步计算,从预测试分析中缩放初始和边界条件。在180kPa的给定降低的降低压力下具有过热度为80 k的过热蒸汽,同样通过三个完整的冷腿进入降液管。



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