首页> 外文会议>International Conference and Exhibition on Liquified Natural Gas >TWISTS AND TURNS OF ICHTHYS PROJECT—THE ROAD TO FID AND BEYOND —INPEX as the First Japanese Operator of a World-Ciass LNG Project getting over TECOP Challenges—

TWISTS AND TURNS OF ICHTHYS PROJECT—THE ROAD TO FID AND BEYOND —INPEX as the First Japanese Operator of a World-Ciass LNG Project getting over TECOP Challenges—

机译:iChthys项目的曲折和匝道 - FID和超越-INPEX作为世界CIASS LNG项目的第一个越过Tecop挑战的日本经营者 -



On 13 January 2012, INPEX made the Final Investment Decision to develop the Ichthys Gas and Condensate Field, which targets the first production by the end of 2016, having overcome a number of Technical, Economical, Commercial, Organizational and Political challenges. Upon the award of the exploration permit for the WA-285-P acreage off Western Australia in 1998, INPEX faced the first challenge to find exploration partners. Having failed that, INPEX had to complete the exploration works at its own risk, but it was rewarded by the excellent discovery of the condensate-rich gas field in 2000, and that was followed by successful drilling of a series of appraisal wells to delineate the vast accumulation of hydrocarbons. After the extensive studies, INPEX had matured the development concept to locate the LNG facilities on the Maret Islands off the Kimberley Coast, and commenced environmental approval processes in 2006.
机译:于2012年1月13日,INPEX截至2016年底,促进了第一批生产的ICHTHYS燃气和冷凝水域的最终投资决定,克服了许多技术,经济,商业,组织和政治挑战。 1998年澳大利亚澳大利亚澳大利亚州WA-285-P勘探许可证颁发后,Inpex面临着寻找勘探伙伴的第一个挑战。失败了,INPEX必须以自己的风险完成勘探工作,但它是由2000年冷凝水的富含气田的出色发现的奖励,其次是成功钻探一系列评估井来描绘富含碳氢化合物的积累。在广泛的研究之后,INPEX已经成熟了开发概念,以在金伯利海岸的影响下找到Marret岛上的LNG设施,并于2006年开始环境审批流程。



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