首页> 外文会议>National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences >Impact Simulation of Shrimp Farm Effluent on BOD-DO in Setiu River

Impact Simulation of Shrimp Farm Effluent on BOD-DO in Setiu River

机译:Setiu River中Bod-do虾农场流出物的影响模拟



Release of effluent from intensive aquaculture farms into a river can pollute the receiving river and exert negative impacts on the aquatic ecosystem. In this paper, we simulate the effects of effluent released from a marine shrimp aquaculture farm into Sg Setiu, focusing on two critical water quality parameters i.e. DO (dissolved oxygen) and BOD (biochemical oxygen demand). DO is an important constituent in a river in sustaining water quality, with levels of DO below 5 mg/L deemed undesirable. DO levels can be depressed by the presence of BOD and other organics that consume DO. Water quality simulations in conjunction with management of effluent treatment can suggest mitigation measures for reducing the adverse environmental impact. For this purpose, an in-house two-dimensional water quality simulation model codenamed TUNA-WQ will be used for these simulations. TUNA-WQ has been undergoing regular updates and improvements to broaden the applicability and to improve the robustness. Here, the model is calibrated and verified for simulation of DO and BOD dynamics in Setiu River (Sg Setiu). TUNA-WQ simulated DO and BOD in Setiu River due to the discharge from a marine shrimp aquaculture farm will be presented.
机译:从强化水产养殖农场释放到河流中的流出物可以污染接收河,对水生生态系统发起负面影响。在本文中,我们模拟了从海洋虾水产养殖农场释放到SG Setiu中的污水的影响,专注于两个临界水质参数I. ..做(溶解氧)和BOD(生物化学需氧量)。 Do是河流中持续水质的重要组成部分,水平低于5毫克/升,认为不合需要。 Do水平可以通过BOD和其他有机物的存在来抑制。水质模拟与废水处理管理相结合可以提出减缓减少对不良环境影响的缓解措施。为此目的,代号为Tuna-WQ的内部二维水质仿真模型将用于这些模拟。 Tuna-WQ正在经常进行定期更新和改进,以扩大适用性并提高鲁棒性。这里,校准该模型并验证Setiu River(SG Setiu)的DO和BOD动力学模拟。展示了由海洋虾水产养殖场的排放引起的Setiu River中的Tuna-WQ模拟DO和BOD。



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