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Analytical model and spectral correction of vibration effects on Fourier Transform Spectrometer.




Sensitivity to mechanical vibrations of Fourier Transform Spectrometers (FTS) is a well-known phenomenon. It is especially critical for FTS devoted to atmospheric studies (like the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) onboard Mars Express 2003), as absorption bands for the gases of low concentration are comparable with the generated instrument spectral noise. The adopted techniques for the vibration sensitivity reduction suffer of limitations in practical implementation, leaving residual modulations of the interferogram and the so-called ghosts in the spectra. Moreover as it is often impossible to measure the vibrations during the FTS measurement, the position and magnitude of these ghosts cannot be evaluated. Up to now the adopted ghost reduction techniques are mostly based on the averaging of spectra, because the disturbance phase is randomly distributed. This paper presents an innovative data treatment technique which allows single spectrum correction from distortions of unknown nature. Such a technique would increase the spatial resolution of the mapping process and becomes crucial when the desired information is linked to a particular mapping area associated to an individual spectrum. The full study consists in the explicit analysis of the ghost formation and the post-processing algorithm based on the semi-blind deconvolution method - an iterative numerical algorithm of the series of consecutive deconvolutions. The technique was tested on the data from the PFS and the algorithm proved to be consistent according to the selected efficiency criteria (coming from the available general information about the signal spectral shape).
机译:傅里叶变换光谱仪(FTS)对机械振动的敏感性是众所周知的现象。对于致力于大气研究的FT(如行星傅里叶光谱仪(PFS)船上Mars Express 2003),这是特别关键的(如行星傅里叶谱仪(PFS)),因为低浓度气体的吸收带与产生的仪器谱噪声相当。采用的振动敏感性减少技术在实际实施中的局限性遭受局限性,留下了干涉图的残余调制和光谱中所谓的鬼魂。此外,由于在FTS测量期间通常不可能测量振动,因此不能评估这些鬼魂的位置和大小。到目前为止,所采用的幽灵减少技术主要基于光谱的平均,因为干扰相是随机分布的。本文介绍了一种创新的数据处理技术,可以从未知性质的扭曲中进行单频谱校正。这种技术将增加映射过程的空间分辨率,并且当期望信息链接到与单独频谱相关联的特定映射区域时变得至关重要。完整的研究包括基于半盲解卷积方法的Ghost地层和后处理算法的显性分析 - 一种连续折折叠系列的迭代数值算法。该技术在来自PFS的数据上测试,并根据所选择的效率标准(来自有关信号光谱形状的可用一般信息),该算法证明是一致的。



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