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Transpiration and Canopy Conductance of Poplar Trees and Its Relationship with Meteorological Factors in an Arid Region of China




Transpiration of a poplar tree in an arid region of China was determined using the heat dissipation technique. During the study period from 27 June to 7 November 2011, a diurnal rhythm of sap flow can be clearly seen. The diurnal fluctuation of sap flow was related to variations of meteorological factors. The daily sap flow velocity ranged from 9.1 cm/d to 223.5 cm/d with a mean value of 122.1 cm/d in the study period. The averaged monthly sap flow velocity varies insignificantly as the poplar tree took about 40% of water transpired from groundwater based on the partitioning of water sources of transpiration using stable isotopes. The average tree conductance in daytime was 3.34 mm s-1 and decreased exponentially with increasing vapor pressure deficit (VPD), indicating that stomata were controlled mainly by VPD. The averaged decupling factor was very low (0.09), indicating that the canopy of the poplar tree was strongly coupled to the atmosphere.
机译:利用散热技术确定了中国干旱地区杨树树的蒸腾。在2011年6月27日至11月7日的研究期间,可以清楚地看到SAP流量的昼夜节律。 SAP流的昼夜波动与气象因素的变化有关。每日SAP流速范围为9.1cm / d至223.5cm / d,平均值在研究期间为122.1cm / d。随着使用稳定同位素的水源的分配,平均每月SAP流速均不随着从地下水传递到地下水的水分而异。白天的平均树电导率为3.34 mm S-1,随着蒸气压缺损(VPD)的增加,指数呈指数级,表明气孔主要由VPD控制。平均的去隔板非常低(0.09),表明杨树树的顶篷强烈耦合到大气中。



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