首页> 外文会议>International Congress on Digital Heritage >The Bethlen Castle of Boiu - a digital renaissance A lost Renaissance castle of Transylvania virtually reconstructed

The Bethlen Castle of Boiu - a digital renaissance A lost Renaissance castle of Transylvania virtually reconstructed

机译:Boiu的Bethlen城堡 - 一个数字文艺复兴的迷失的特兰西瓦尼亚文艺复兴时期城堡几乎重建了



The extra urban noble residences from Romania, historical monuments of international, national or local importance are generally in a bad state of conservation and almost lost to the memory of our countries transitional society. The The Bethlen Castle of Boiu used to be a representative example of Renaissance courts belonging to the former nobility of Transylvania. Following its rapid destruction, a digital virtual reconstruction aims to retrieve the memory of this lost monument.
机译:罗马尼亚的额外城市高贵住宅,历史古迹的国际,国家或地方重要性一般都处于糟糕的保护状态,几乎失去了我们国家过渡社会的记忆。 Boiu的Bethlen城堡曾经是属于特兰西瓦尼亚前贵族的文艺复兴法院的代表性。在其快速的破坏之后,数字虚拟重建旨在检索这段丢失纪念碑的记忆。



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