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Bird protection in the State Research Station for fruit growing Heuchlingen




Over the past few years up to 62 nesting boxes for birds have been provided in the 35-hectares area of the State Research Station for fruit growing Heuchlingen (State Institute for Viticulture, Oenology and Fruit Technology Weinsberg (LVWO)) in orderto support several species of birds, especially cave breeders. Four species were found breeding in the one-hectare organically managed fruit orchard with six nesting boxes: Tree Sparrow Passer montanus L., Great Tit Parus major L., Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus L. and Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros Gmel. The Tree Sparrow with a number of seven breeding pairs and 30 fully-fledged nestlings was dominating in 2011. In 2005, during a period of mass propagation of winter moth Operophthera brumata L. the clutches of Blue Tits Parus caeruleus L. and Great Tits were clearly larger than the year before due to the food quantity. In addition to the songbirds, the Kestrel Falco tinnunculus L., a falcon that hunts mice, was supported by a nesting boxinstalled at the fruit storage building. It was breeding successfully the third time since 2007. The Common Buzzard Buteo buteo L., another raptor has frequently been breeding in a walnut tree. During the bird's breeding period the use of heavy machinery around the nesting area was stopped in order to avoid disturbance of the brood.
机译:在过去的几年里,在果实生长的果实研究站的35公顷地区(德国葡萄栽培,酿酒术和水果技术Weinsberg(Lvwo))的35公顷的地区,已经提供了62个嵌套盒的鸟类,以支持几种物种鸟类,尤其是洞穴育种者。一公顷有机植物果园发现了四种物种,六个嵌套盒:树麻雀路人蒙大亚州L.,伟大的山雀巨大L.,常见的Redstart Phoenicurus Phoenicurus L.和Black Redstart Phoenicurus Ochruros Gmel。树麻雀有多个繁殖对和30个完全成熟的雏鸟在2011年被占主导地位。2005年,在冬季蛾血红蛋子的大规模繁殖期间,蓝山脉帕鲁斯·卡鲁鲁斯L.和伟大的山雀由于食物量,明显大于前一年。除了鸣禽之外,Kestrel Falco Tinnunculus L.是捕猎小鼠的猎鹰,是在水果储存建筑的嵌套机组中得到支持。它自2007年以来的第三次成功地繁殖。普通的Buzzard Buteo Buteo L.,另一个猛禽经常在核桃树中繁殖。在鸟类的繁殖期间,停止在嵌套区域周围使用重型机械,以避免育雏的干扰。



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