首页> 外文会议>European Association of Geoscientists Engineers Conference Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC >Exploration of a Palaeogene Syn- to early Post Orogenic Deep-Marine Basin Play, Kamchia Depression (Eastern Onshore Bulgaria)

Exploration of a Palaeogene Syn- to early Post Orogenic Deep-Marine Basin Play, Kamchia Depression (Eastern Onshore Bulgaria)




Introduction The Kamchia Depression is the easternmost onshore part of the Balkan Foredeep in Bulgaria (Figure 1). It has a long history of petroleum exploration and production numerous wells drilled, often before seismic. There has been limited gas production to date, but there have been numerous shows of gas and gas condensate from a range of late Mesozoic to Oligocene reservoirs, in some cases with high recorded flow rates. Exploration plays exist in the (i) allochthonous and para-autochthonus Balkan Thrust be (ii) autochthonous Mesozoic and early Palaeogene normal fault block highs in the foreland (analogous to the offshore Galata Field, Currie et al., (2010)), and (iii) the syn- to early post-orogenic fore-Balkan trough (the Kamchia Basin)
机译:介绍镰刀坳陷是保加利亚巴尔干福德的东部最陆上部分(图1)。它历史悠久的石油勘探和生产众多井经常在地震前钻探。迄今为止存在有限的天然气生产,但是在一些具有高记录流速的情况下,一系列晚期中生代的气体和天然气凝结物的含量有很多节目。 (i)爆炸戏剧存在于(i)表发术和帕拉南止动带; (ii)前陆的自身中生代和早期的古代古代常规故障块高(类似于海上加拉塔领域,Currie等,(2010))和(iii)的早期orgensic fore-balkan槽(堪察加盆地)



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