
Seismic Monitoring of the Fracture Zones of a Coal Seam




With increasing depth of coal mining observed increase in gas-bearing coal seams and their degree of outburst. It is known that foci of gasodynamic phenomena tend to be fractured zones of small-amplitude disturbances. Reliable determination of the location of these destructions in coal seams is an important task determining the safety of mining. We develop a seismic method of direct search of zones with open fractures in the coal seam and related centers storage of free methane, based on seismic monitoring and estimation of changing the stresses of the seam. The purpose of this monitoring is to find areas with a strong reaction to the geomechanical impacts due to, for example, moving the front clean-up operations. We are not interested in the structure of the stable part of the coal seam. Such an approach to mine seismic prospecting based on a combination of monitoring and active impact is formulated for the first time. We present numerical experiments for the model statement.



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