首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology >(cest2017_01238) Combined application of membrane ultrafiltration, adsorption, and ultrasound irradiation for the removal of pharmaceutical compounds from real wastewater

(cest2017_01238) Combined application of membrane ultrafiltration, adsorption, and ultrasound irradiation for the removal of pharmaceutical compounds from real wastewater




The presence of emerging contaminants (ECs) inwater resources has raised a great concern in the lastdecades due to their persistence in the environment andtheir chronic toxicological and endocrine disrupting effectson terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Thus, advancedtreatment methods are necessary for the removal of thesecontaminants before wastewater reuse or disposal intoaquatic ecosystem. In the present study, the hybrid processUSAMe~R, which combines ultrasound irradiation (US),adsorption (A) and membrane filtration (Me), wasinvestigated for the removal of ECs from real wastewater.Three pharmaceutical compounds - diclofenac (DCF),carbamazepine (CBZ), and amoxicillin (AMX), werechosen for this study to represent highly consumed andfrequently detected pharmaceuticals in the aquaticenvironment. All three pharmaceuticals were spiked intoreal wastewater at two concentrations of 10 ppm and 100ppb. Membrane ultrafiltration and its combination with US(USMe) or adsorption (AMe) were also studied as controltests. The results obtained showed improvedpharmaceutical removals in the membrane ultrafiltrationprocess whenever an auxiliary treatment was employed.The degree of pharmaceutical removal was achieved in theorder: Me
机译:由于它们在环境和慢性毒理学和内分泌扰乱效果和水生生物的持续存在,新兴污染物(ECS)在最新的污染物(ECS)的污染物(ECS)在最新的污染物中提出了极大的关注。因此,在废水再利用或处置入侵生态系统之前,可以进行治疗方法。在本研究中,将超声辐射(US),吸附(A)和膜过滤(ME)结合的杂交处理作用率〜R被取消从Real废水中去除ECS.Three Pharmaceutical Composiths - DiClofenac(DCF),卡巴马嗪(CBZ)和Amoxicillin(AMX),韦克彻理解为本研究,以代表水上环境中的高度消耗的和丰富的药物。所有三种药物都以10 ppm和100ppb的两种浓度掺入Intorreal废水。膜超滤及其与我们(USME)或吸附(AME)的组合也被研究为控制器。当采用辅助处理时,所获得的结果显示出膜超滤过程中的改良药物去除。在ARERER中达到了药物清除程度:ME



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