首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology >(cest2017_00363) Copper uptake by Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty from aqueous solution: Effects of different factors and kinetic study

(cest2017_00363) Copper uptake by Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty from aqueous solution: Effects of different factors and kinetic study

机译:(CEST2017_00363)Chrysopogon Zizanioides(L.)来自水溶液的罗米特:不同因素和动力学研究的影响



The high biomass, extensive root network, and fast growthof vetiver grass [Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty]make it a good candidate for the treatment of heavy metalpollutedsoil and water. For this reason, the influence ofcopper (Cu) concentration, iron (Fe) concentration, andpresence of citric acid (CA) as chelating agent on the Cuaccumulation in the roots and shoots of vetiver grass wereinvestigated using a 23 factorial design. Moreover,Michaelis-Menten equation was utilised to describe theuptake of Cu after 24 hours. Vetiver grass was grownhydroponically using half-strength Hoagland solutionadjusted to pH 4 and different conditions for the factorialexperiment or varying Cu concentration for the kineticexperiment. Results indicate that the effects of Cuconcentration on the Cu uptake of both roots and shootswere highly significant as determined by ANOVA.Meanwhile, there were significant interactions of Cu andFe concentrations, Cu and presence of CA, and Feconcentrations and presence of CA on root Cu uptake only.For the kinetic study, the Michaelis-Menten equation wasfound adequate implying a saturable transport system. Thecalculated Michaelis-Menten constant, Km, and maximumsolute uptake influx, were Vmax, 24.39 mg L- and 272.21mg kg FW- day-, respectively.
机译:高生物量,广泛的根网络和快速增长的禽类草[Chrysopogon Zizanioides(L.)Roberty]使其成为治疗重金属保存和水的良好候选者。出于这个原因,使用23种造成设计,柠檬酸(Cu)浓度,铁(Fe)浓度,铁(Fe)浓度,铁(Fe)浓度,柠檬酸(Ca)和培养皿芽的螯合剂的螯合剂。此外,利用Michaelis-Menten方程在24小时后描述Cu的截变。使用半浓度的HOAGLAND溶液溶液溶液溶液溶液,对PH4的不同条件或分子抑制剂的不同条件进行了种植的。结果表明,Cuconcomation对由Anova.mean确定的根部的Cu吸收的影响,Cu AndFe浓度,Cu和Ca的存在的显着相互作用,以及对根Cu吸收的Ca和Ca的存在。只有动力学研究,Michaelis-Menten方程式均足够暗示暗示可饱和的运输系统。实际迈克利斯 - 静脉恒定,KM和Maximmicalsolute摄取流入,分别为vmax,24.39mg L-和272.21mg kg fw-day。



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