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Soil Analysis Before and 5 Years after Recycled Water Irrigation




To ensure sustainable and affordable water supplies, Denver Water operates a recycled water system that treats and delivers recycled water for landscape irrigation and other non-potable purposes. Water reuse for irrigating landscapes is one of the approaches to maximize the existing water resources and stretch current urban water supplies. Phase one Denver Water's recycled water system provides recycled water to ten separate sites,including five parks, three golf courses, one school ground, and one zoo. In 2004,soil baseline information was collected by Colorado State University (CSU) for these 10 sites that just started to use recycled water for landscape irrigation. In September to October 2009,five years after the initiation of recycled water for irrigation, CSU collected and tested soils again from the original sites to determine if any changes had occurred. This paper summarizes the study results and includes recommendations for managing landscapes that are irrigated by recycled water.
机译:为确保可持续和经济实惠的供水,丹佛水运营再生水系统,可治疗,为景观灌溉和其他不饮用目的提供回收的水。灌溉景观的水再利用是最大化现有水资源的方法之一,并拉伸现有的城市供水。第一阶段丹佛水循环水系统为10个单独的网站提供了再循环水,包括五个公园,三个高尔夫球场,一所学校地面和一个动物园。 2004年,土壤基线信息由科罗拉多州立大学(CSU)收集到这10个刚刚开始使用回收水的景观灌溉。 9月至2009年10月,在灌溉再生水的启动后五年,CSU收集并再次从原始地点进行了土壤,以确定是否发生了任何变化。本文总结了研究成果,并包括管理被循环用水灌溉的景观的建议。



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