首页> 外文会议>International Echinoderm Conference >Genetic contribution of sexual and asexual reproduction to the recruitment of a sexually unbalanced population of Coscinasterias tenuispina (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Genetic contribution of sexual and asexual reproduction to the recruitment of a sexually unbalanced population of Coscinasterias tenuispina (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

机译:性和无性繁殖的遗传贡献对Coscinasterias Tenuispina(Echinodermata:Zeroidea)的性不平衡人口招募的招募在巴西里约热内卢



Most asteroid species reproduce sexually, developing planktotrophic or lecithotrophic larvae or brooding offspring. Some fissiparous species, like Coscinasterias tenuispina, have a mixed life history with both sexual and asexual reproduction. A population of C. tenuispina at Itaipu (22° 59' S, 43° 04' W) is dense and consists only of males larger than 5 mm in radius. This suggests recruitment is based on clonal proliferation. To test this hypothesis, six polymorphic loci were surveyed by allozyme electrophoresis. Levels of sexual and asexual contributions were estimated by three different parameters: (1) number of genotypes to sample size (Ngo:N), which indicates the minimum input of sexual reproduction; (2) ratio of observed multi-locus genotypic diversity (Go) to that expected (Ge) under conditions of sexual reproduction and free recombination, which provides a measure of single-locus and multi-locus equilibrium; (3) maximal input of sexual reproduction, given by the ratio of maximal number of individuals sexually produced (N~*) to sample size (N~*:N). 46 of 66 individuals showed distinct multi-locus genotypes. Only 9 of these multilocus genotypes (19.5%) showed a number of individuals unexpected from random mixing. Furthermore, calculations of N:Ngo (0.697), Go:Ge (0.789) and N~*:N (0.994) are similar to those found for other echinoderm species which reproduce mainly sexually. Contrary to expectations for a population consisting only of large individuals of one sex, clonal proliferation is not the major source of recruits maintaining the population of C. tenuispina in Itapu. A strongly biased sex ratio in a population of fissiparous species cannot be taken as a priori evidence of primarily asexual recruitment.
机译:大多数小行星物种繁殖性,开发血管营养或卵磷脂幼虫或沉思后代。一些遗传物种,如Coscinasterias Tenuispina,具有混合的生活史,具有性和无性繁殖。 ITaipu的C. Tenuispina(22°59)的C. Tenuispina群体是密集的,只有大于5mm的雄性在半径范围内。这表明招聘是基于克隆增殖。为了测试该假设,通过同酶电泳调查了六个多晶型基因座。性和无性贡献的水平估计三种不同的参数:(1)样本大小的基因型数(非政府组织:n),这表明了性繁殖的最低投入; (2)在性生殖和自由重组条件下观察到的多基因座基因型多样性(GE)与该预期(GE)的比率提供了单轨道和多基因座平衡的量度; (3)性繁殖的最大输入,由性能产生的最大数量(n〜*)的比例给出,以样本尺寸(n〜*:n)。 46个中的66个个体显示出不同的多基因座基因型。这些多点基因型中只有9个(19.5%)显示了许多从随机混合意外的个体。此外,N:NGO(0.697)的计算,GO:GE(0.789)和N〜*:n(0.994)类似于主要性繁殖的其他棘鱼胚胎种类的物种。与只有一个性别的大人组成的人口相反,克隆扩散不是招聘人口的主要来源,而不是维持ITAPU的C. Tenuispina的人口。在荒野物种群体中具有强烈偏见的性别比不能作为主要是性招聘的先验证据。



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