首页> 外文会议>GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F Perkins Research Conference >Miocene to Recent Rift History of the Virgin Islands Basin from Integration of Offshore Seismic Data, Inland, Striated Fault Planes, and GPS Results

Miocene to Recent Rift History of the Virgin Islands Basin from Integration of Offshore Seismic Data, Inland, Striated Fault Planes, and GPS Results




The Virgin Islands basin is a 4.5-km-deep passage that connects the Atlantic and Caribbean seas. A variety of models have been proposed to explain its tectonic origin, which range from right- and left-lateral pull-apart basins to a rotational-type basin or even a simple, orthogonal rift basin. This study integrates three data types to better understand the Miocene to recent kinematics of basin opening and its present-day tectonics known from a parallel zone of earthquakes and GPS results that span the basin from Puerto Rico to St. Croix (U.S. Virgin Islands). A grid of 400 km of 2D seismic lines provided courtesy of the Danish Galathea 3 expedition reveals the geometry of faults underlying the offshore basin to a depth of 7.5 seconds two-way time. The basin is asymmetrical having more throw along the southeastern normal fault than the normal fault along its northwestern edge. The island of St. Croix, is the uplifted footwall of the southeastern normal fault while the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico, is the uplifted footwall of the northwestern fault. Seismic data show that both bounding normal faults are listric and have associated rollover anticlines in the basin center. A linear, possibly strike-slip fault system can be traced for a distance of 4.7 km in the center of the basin. Fourteen normal fault planes have been measured in Miocene and younger rocks on the footwall blocks of Vieques and St. Croix and revealed dip-slip normal faults having fault planes oriented northeast to eastnortheast and parallel to the long axis of the offshore basin. A GPS baseline between continuously recording sites in southwest Puerto Rico and St. Croix reveals that that the basin is presently opening in a direction of 100 - or roughly at right angles to its long axis - at a rate of 2.5 mm/yr. We conclude based on seismic data, striated fault planes, and GPS results that the present-day opening of the basin and perhaps its early evolution is the result of simple, orthogonal rifting in a northwestsoutheast or west-northwest/east-southeast direction.
机译:维尔京群岛盆地是一个4.5公里深的通道,连接大西洋和加勒比海。已经提出了各种模型来解释其构造起源,其范围从右侧和左侧拉伸盆地到旋转型盆或甚至是简单的正交裂缝盆地。本研究整合了三种数据类型,以更好地了解盆地开放的最近运动学的内部,其目前的地震,从Puerto Rico到圣克罗伊(美国维尔京群岛)的盆地。提供了400公里的2D地震线的网格,提供了丹麦加拉斯3次探险,揭示了海上盆地底层的故障几何形状,深度为7.5秒的双向时间。盆地沿着东南正常断层的速度不对称,沿着西北边缘的正常故障。圣克罗西岛,是东南正常断层的升高的脚壁,而Vieques岛,波多黎各,是西北部故障的隆水覆盖物。地震数据表明,边界正常故障都有厕所,并在盆地中心具有相关的翻转边界。线性,可能的滑动故障系统可以追溯到盆中中心4.7公里的距离。在Vieques和St. Croix的脚宽块和较小的岩石中测量了十四个正常故障飞机,并透露了蘸湿普通缺陷,其中东北部的故障飞机向东北部定向,并平行于海上盆地的长轴。在西南波多黎各和圣克罗伊的连续记录网站之间的GPS基线揭示了盆地的直接在100°或大致成直角的方向上,其长轴 - 以2.5mm /毫升的速度。我们基于地震数据,条纹故障飞机和GPS结果得出结论,该盆地的当今日期开放,也许是早期演变的是西北地区或西北/东南方向上简单,正交的散步的结果。



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