
Dutch NMCA launches Open data




In the past decade, more and more government data became available as open data. Started by European initiatives such as INSPIRE, GMES/Copernicus and the PSI directive and, to deal with cross - border environmental pollution and security motives which need high- quality and up- to - date geographical information, governments are willing to open their data, despite the prevailing business models and licensing issues. In addition, there is the economic motive that small and medium - sized enterprises can take advantage of free geodata as it offers chances for many new applications and innovations. Releasing the Key Register Topography (BRT) has led to a significant growth of use of the data as downloaded databases as well as reference map in many web portals. The preliminary results of the research on the effects of the open data of the BRT shows that the users are satisfied and new applications see the light.
机译:在过去的十年中,越来越多的政府数据被作为开放数据可用。由欧洲倡议(如激励,GMES / Copernicus和PSI指令)开始,处理需要高质量和最新地理信息的跨境环境污染和安全动机,各国政府愿意打开其数据,尽管现行的商业模式和许可问题。此外,还有经济动机,中小企业可以利用免费的地理数据,因为它为许多新的应用和创新提供了机会。释放关键寄存器地形(BRT)导致数据的使用大量增长,如下载的数据库以及许多Web门户中的参考映射。 BRT的开放数据效果研究的初步结果表明,用户满意,新应用看到光。



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