首页> 外文会议>International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering >Translation of Textual Specifications to Automata by Means of Discourse Context Modeling

Translation of Textual Specifications to Automata by Means of Discourse Context Modeling




[Context and motivation] Natural language is the main presentation means in industrial requirements documents. In such documents, system behavior is specified either in the form of scenarios or in the form of automata described in natural language. The behavior descriptions are often incomplete: For the authors of requirements documents some facts are so obvious that they forget to mention them; this surely causes problems for the requirements analyst. [Question/problem] Formalization of textual behavior description can reveal deficiencies in requirements documents. Formalization can take two major forms: it can be based either on interaction sequences or on automata, cf. survey [1]. Translation of textual scenarios to interaction sequences (Message Sequence Charts, or MSCs) was presented in our previous work [2,3,4]. To close the gap and to provide translation techniques for both formalism types, an algorithm translating textual descriptions of automata to automata themselves is necessary. [Principal ideas/results] It was shown in our previous work that discourse context modeling allows to complete information missing from scenarios written in natural language and to translate scenarios to MSCs. The goal of the approach presented in this paper is to translate textual descriptions of automata to automata themselves, by adapting discourse context modeling to texts describing automata. [Contribution] The presented paper shows how the previously developed context modeling approach can be adapted in order to become applicable to texts describing automata. The proposed approach to translation of text to automata was evaluated on a case study, which proved applicability of the approach.
机译:[背景和动机]自然语言是工业要求文件中的主要演示文稿。在此类文档中,系统行为以场景的形式或自然语言中描述的自动机形式指定。行为描述往往是不完整的:对于要求文件的作者,一些事实是如此明显,他们忘记提到它们;这肯定会导致需求分析师的问题。 [问题/问题]文本行为的形式化描述可以揭示要求文件的缺陷。正式化可以采取两种主要形式:它可以基于相互作用序列或自动机构,参见。调查[1]。在我们之前的工作中提出了文本场景对交互序列(消息序列图表或MSCs)的翻译[2,3,4]。为了缩小差距并为两种形式主义类型提供翻译技术,需要将自动机的文本描述转换为自动机本身的算法是必要的。 [主要思想/结果]显示在我们之前的工作中,话语上下文建模允许从自然语言编写的场景中完成缺少的信息,并将场景翻译为MSC。本文介绍的方法的目标是通过调整描述自动机的文本的话语上下文建模来将自动机的文本描述转换为自动机本身。 [贡献]所提出的论文显示了如何调整先前开发的上下文建模方法,以便适用于描述自动机的文本。在案例研究中评估了拟议的对自动机的翻译方法,证明了这种方法的适用性。



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