首页> 外文会议>International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology >Increases in phosphorus at the sediment-water interface may influence the initiation of cyanobacterial blooms in an oligotrophic lake

Increases in phosphorus at the sediment-water interface may influence the initiation of cyanobacterial blooms in an oligotrophic lake

机译:沉积物 - 水界面的磷中磷的增加可能影响植物湖中蓝藻绽放的起始



Freshwater cyanobacteria have been implicated as both indi-cators and agents of ecosystem change (WETZEL 2001). Glo-eotrichia echinulata is a nuisance cyanobacterium common in meso- to eutrophic systems that has recently begun to bloom in oligo- to mesotrophic lakes across northern New England, USA (CAREY et al. 2008). Between 2002 and 2006, at least 27 outbreaks of G. echinulata were confirmed in oli-gotrophic lakes across Maine and New Hampshire that do not normally experience algal blooms. These blooms are of par- ticular concem because G. echinulata produces the toxin microcystin-LR (CAREY et al. 2007) and can transport a con-siderable amount of phosphorus (P) from the sediment into the water column (ISTvANOVICS et al. 1993). At present, little is known about the mechanisms that have stimulated G. echinulata blooms in oligotrophic systems. We hypothesized that increased P concentrations in lake sedi-ments may be responsible, in part, for G. echinulata blooms in low-nutrient lakes. Many oligotrophic lakes have low con-centrations of P in their water, but high concentrations of P in their sediments (MAASSEN et al. 2005), potentially due to increasing external P loads (WETZEL 2001). Interestingly, many of the lakes in Maine that are now experiencing G. echinulata blooms had been classified as "at risk from new watershed development" (MAINE DEPARTMENT OF ENVI-RONMENTAL SERVICES, unpublished), indicating that those lakes may be subject to increased sediment P. Thus, one hypothesis is that the recent G. echinulata blooms may be occurring in response to increased P concentrations in lake sediment: "eutrophied" sediment in an oligotrophic lake. Phosphorus plays a major role in G. echinulata's complex life cycle. Overwintering akinetes, or resting cells, must absorb a substantial amount of phosphate from the sediment pore water during a germination and growth phase on the lake sediment before recruitment into the water column (PETTERSSON et al. 1993, KARLSSON 2003, KA RLSSON-ELFGREN et al. 2004), which takes -2.5-4 weeks after the initia-tion of germination. Phosphorus absorbed in the sediments fuels planktonic cell division; G. echinulata's P uptake in the water column is thought to be negligible (ISTVANOVICS et al. 1993, TYMOWSKI & DUTHIE 2000). Because of the large pool of sediment P that exists, even in oligotrophic lakes (MAASSEN et al. 2005), and G. echinulata's apparent demand for P from the sediment, we hypothesized that akinetes would exhibit increased germination and recruitment when exposed to increased concentrations of sediment P We used an in situ nutrient-diffusing substrate experiment to test this hypothesis in an oligotrophic lake while simultaneously monitoring G. echinulata recruitment and Pat the sediment-water interface.
机译:淡水紫豆蔻菌被牵连作为生态系统变化的印度围绕和代理(Wetzel 2001)。 GLO-eotrichia刺孢小克在中观滋扰蓝藻常见,最近整个北部新英格兰,美国(Carey等人,2008年)开始盛开在寡糖对营养型湖泊富营养化系统。在2002年至2006年期间,在缅因州的奥利 - 营养湖泊中确认了至少27名G. echinulata爆发。新罕布什尔州的新罕布什尔州通常不经历藻类盛开。这些大量繁殖是满足特殊的关注焦点的,因为G.刺孢小克产生毒素微囊藻毒素(Carey等人,2007),并且可以传输从沉积物磷(P)的CON-siderable量到水柱(ISTvANOVICS等。 1993年)。目前,关于刺激的G. Echinulata绽放的机制少一点是植物中的植物系统。我们假设湖泊湖泊中的P浓度增加可能是部分原因,适用于低营养湖泊的G. echinulata绽放。许多寡营率湖泊在其水中具有低浓度的p,但其沉积物中的高浓度(Maassen等人,2005),可能是由于外部P负荷增加(Wetzel 2001)。有趣的是,许多在缅因州的湖泊正在经历G.刺孢小克华已被列为“离新的流域开发风险”(缅因DEPARTMENT ENVI-RONMENTAL服务,未发表的),表明这些湖泊可能会受到增加的沉淀物P.因此,一个假设是最近的G. echinulata绽放可能是响应于湖泊沉积物的增加浓度:“富营养的”沉积物在寡糖湖中。磷在G.Echinulata的复杂生命周期中发挥着重要作用。越冬aWinetes或休息细胞必须在培养和生长期期间吸收大量的磷酸盐,在湖泊沉积物之前招生到水柱前(Petterson等人1993,Karlsson 2003,Ka Rlsson-Elfgren et艾尔。2004年),在萌发初始服用后,需要-2.5-4周。沉积物吸收的磷燃料浮游细胞分裂; G. echinulata的P在水塔上的吸收被认为可以忽略不计(Istvanovics等,1993,Tymowski&Duthie 2000)。由于存在大的沉积物P池,即使在寡营湖(Maassen等人)和G.Echinulata对来自沉积物的P的明显需求,我们假设在暴露于增加的浓度时,AWINETES会表现出增加的发芽和招生沉积物P我们使用了原位营养 - 扩散基底实验,在寡噬细胞湖中测试该假设,同时监测G. Echinulata招募和拍打沉积物 - 水界面。



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