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Design for Sustainability - The Challenge for Systems Engineering

机译:可持续发展设计 - 系统工程的挑战



Organizations should continually aspire to "meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". This is the essence of the sustainability approach and of sustainability management in organization and businesses. Sustainability is a perfect system concern which involves stakeholders of all kinds, deals with the entire lifecycle of products and systems, incorporates economic, environmental and social considerations in management and engineering, and entails new risks and opportunities to be managed by the organizations. We propose an integrated model for the design and management for sustainability in business. This model relies on some key Systems Engineering methodologies and Quality Management approaches. Also described is some of our experience with sustainability progress in both our companies - RAFAEL and Carlsberg-Srbija.
机译:组织应该不断渴望“满足现在的需求,而不会影响后代以满足自己需求的能力”。这是可持续发展方法和组织和企业可持续发展的本质。可持续发展是一个完美的系统关注,涉及各种利益相关者,处理产品和系统的整个生命周期,纳入了管理和工程中的经济,环境和社会考虑因素,并因此需要由组织管理的新风险和机会。我们为业务可持续发展的设计和管理提出了一个综合模型。该模型依赖于某些关键系统工程方法和质量管理方法。还描述了我们在我们公司的可持续性进展中的一些经验 - Rafael和Carlsberg-Srbija。



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