首页> 外文会议>International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society >Peculiarities of Geochemical Migration of Organic Matter in the System the Amur River – the Amur Liman

Peculiarities of Geochemical Migration of Organic Matter in the System the Amur River – the Amur Liman

机译:系统中有机物质地球化学迁移的特性 - 阿穆尔河 - 阿穆拉曼



Evacuation of organic matter (ОМ) by rivers exerts essential influence on development of the World Ocean. Study of ОМ in waters of the system river—Liman—the sea allows one to reveal peculiarities of its transport and transformations from rivers to seas and oceans. For proper understanding of the role the river runoff plays in geochemistry of the ocean, the knowledge of its quantitative and qualitative compositions is of importance and we need also to understand complicated and diverse physical-chemical and biological processes occurring at the contact of free-salined river and saline marine waters. Information on evacuation of OM by waters of the Amur River to the marginal seas of the Pacific Basin is extremely constrained, as for such information on evacuation of humic substances, it is almost missing. The goal of the paper is to bring out principally new data on the amount and distribution of ОМ and, particularly, of humus acids in the Amur River mouth and in the mixing zone between the river and marine waters.
机译:河流疏散有机物(ОМ)对世界海洋的发展产生了基本的影响。河流水域中的Ом研究 - 海洋允许人们揭示其运输与河流转变为海洋和海洋的特殊性。为了正确理解河流径流在海洋地球化学中的角色,其定量和定性组成的知识具有重要性,我们还需要了解在自由盐水接触时发生的复杂和多样化的物理化学和生物学过程河流和盐水海水。关于阿穆尔河的水疏散到太平洋盆地边缘海域OM的信息极为受到限制,如关于腐殖质的疏散的这种信息,几乎缺失。本文的目标是提出关于Ом的数量和分配的新数据,特别是在河流和海水之间的混凝土中的腐殖群体。



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