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Low Back Pain Evaluation for Cyclist using sEMG: A Comparative Study between Bicyclist and Aerobic Cyclist




Despite of wide use of surface electromyography (EMG) recorded during dynamic exercises; the reproducibility of sEMG variables has not been fully established in cycling exercise. As an extension of our previous study, this study aims to examine, muscle fatigue of bicyclist and aerobic-cyclist on biceps brachii medial, trapezius medial, latissimus dorsi medial, and erector spinae muscles within low back pain (LBP) group using bilateral surface EMG (sEMG). Five male volunteers with LBP were chosen and sEMG was recorded bilaterally from selected muscle groups for 30 minutes of ride of each subject. The collected sEMG signals were filtered using Butterworth filter with a pass band of 20-400 Hz and stop band of 47-49 Hz. Statistical tests were performed to determine the difference in fatigue, using MPF difference. No significant result was found for aerobic-cyclist. Whereas, in case of bicyclists in LBP group showed a significantly fatigue in biceps brachii medial, right trapezius medial and erector spinae. From the results, it is evident that LBP can worsen significantly by cycling than aerobic cycling; for subjects who have previous injury to lower back. These inferences could be used when deciding fitness and rehabilitation regimes.
机译:尽管在动态锻炼期间录制的表面肌电图(EMG)采用了广泛的使用; SEMG变量的再现性尚未在循环运动中完全建立。作为我们以前的研究的延伸,本研究旨在使用双侧表面肌肉(Lapezius Medial,Latissimus Dorsi Medialial和肌肉肌肉肌肉肌肉(Lapezius中介,Latissimus Dorsi中介和肌肉筛肌)肌肉疲劳,使用双侧表面EMG (SEMG)。选择有LBP的五个雄性志愿者,并且SEMG从选定的肌肉团体中被录制30分钟的每个受试者。使用Butterworth滤波器过滤收集的SEMG信号,带有20-400 Hz的通带和47-49 Hz的停止带。进行统计测试以确定使用MPF差异的疲劳差异。没有发现有氧骑车者的重大结果。然而,如果LBP组的骑自行道士,则在二头肌胸部内侧,右侧梯形内侧和射击器筛窦中显示出显着疲劳。从结果中,显然,通过循环而不是好氧循环,LBP可以显着恶化;对于以前伤害降低的受试者。在决定健身和康复制度时可以使用这些推论。



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