首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing >A Practice-Oriented, Control-Flow-Based Anomaly Detection Approach for Internal Process Audits

A Practice-Oriented, Control-Flow-Based Anomaly Detection Approach for Internal Process Audits




Internal auditing tries to identify anomalies, weaknesses and manipulations in business processes in order to protect the company from risks. Due to the digitalization of processes, auditors also have to check the associated data volumes. Already existing IT-systems focus on process-related data where the control flow, i.e. the actual sequence of process events, is not considered. This paper examines how the control flow and the process-related data can be analyzed in combination to support auditors in process auditing. To realize this, audit requirements were collected in the literature and evaluated by auditors from industry. On this basis, a concept with five indicators was developed, then transferred into a prototype and evaluated using real-life data as well as two auditors. The results show that the requirements can be technically realized and the developed indicators enable auditors to identify and interpret abnormal process executions.
机译:内部审计试图识别业务流程中的异常,弱点和操纵,以保护公司免受风险。 由于流程的数字化,审计师也必须检查相关数据卷。 已经存在的IT系统专注于控制流程,即过程事件的实际顺序的过程相关数据。 本文介绍了如何分析控制流程和流程相关数据,以便在流程审核中支持审计师。 为了意识到这一点,在文献中收集了审计要求,并由审计师从工业中进行评估。 在此基础上,开发了一个具有五个指标的概念,然后转移到原型中并使用现实生活数据以及两个审计师进行评估。 结果表明,可以在技术上实现要求,并且开发的指标使审计师能够识别和解释异常流程执行。



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