




At the present meeting, the Committee evaluated magnesium dihydrogen diphosphate for use as an acidifier, stabilizer and raising agent. It is proposed for use as an alternative to sodium-based acidifiers and raising agents, primarily in self-raising flour, noodles (oriental style), batters and processed cereals.Magnesium dihydrogen diphosphate has not been evaluated previously by the Committee. Phosphates, diphosphates and polyphosphates were evaluated by the Committee at its sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, thirteenth, fourteenth, seventeenth, twenty-sixth and fifty-seventh meetings (Annex 1, references 6-8, 11, 19, 22, 32, 59 and 154). A maximum tolerable daily intake (MTDI) of 70 mg/kg of body weight (bw) was established at the twenty-sixth meeting on the basis of the lowest dietary concentration of phosphorus (1% in the diet) that caused nephrocalcinosis in rats. It was considered inappropriate to establish an acceptable daily intake (ADI), because phosphorus (primarily as phosphate) is an essential nutrient and an unavoidable constituent of food. The MTDIis expressed as phosphorus and applies to the sum of phosphates naturally present in food and the phosphates derived from use of these food additives. At its seventy-first meeting, the Committee evaluated ferrous ammonium phosphate and concluded that consideration of the toxicity of phosphate did not indicate a need to revise the Committee's previous evaluation of this ion (Annex 1, reference 191).
机译:在本次会议上,委员会评估二磷酸二磷酸镁用作酸化剂,稳定剂和升高剂。建议用作钠基酸化剂的替代品,主要是在自养粉面粉,面条(东方风格),击球手和加工谷物中。委员会尚未评估二氢二磷酸酯。委员会在第六次,第七,第八,第九,第十四,第27次,第二十六届和第五十七次会议上评估磷酸盐,二磷酸酯和多磷酸盐(八十年代,第十七次)(附件1,参考文献6-8,11,19,22 ,59和154)。在第二十六次会议上,在第二十六次会议上,在二十六次会议上,在二十六次会议上,在大鼠肾脏含量的最低膳食浓度(饮食中1%)的基础上,建立了70mg / kg体重(BW)的最大可耐受的每日摄入(MTDI)。它被认为是不适合建立可接受的每日摄入(ADI),因为磷(主要磷酸盐)是一种基本营养素和食物不可避免的组成部分。 MTDIIS表示为磷,并适用于食物中天然存在的磷酸盐和衍生利用这些食品添加剂的磷酸盐的总和。委员会在第七十一次会议上评估了磷酸亚铁铵,并得出结论认为,磷酸盐的毒性审议并未表明需要修改委员会对此离子的先前评估(附件1,参考文献191)。



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