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Filtration and Distillation: Enhancing Region Attention for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization




Delicate attention of the discriminative regions plays a critical role in Fine-Grained Visual Categorization (FGVC). Unfortunately, most of the existing attention models perform poorly in FGVC, due to the pivotal limitations in discriminative regions proposing and region-based feature learning. 1) The discriminative regions are predominantly located based on the filter responses over the images, which can not be directly optimized with a performance metric. 2) Existing methods train the region-based feature extractor as a one-hot classification task individually, while neglecting the knowledge from the entire object. To address the above issues, in this paper, we propose a novel "Filtration and Distillation Learning" (FDL) model to enhance the region attention of discriminate parts for FGVC. Firstly, a Filtration Learning (FL) method is put forward for discriminative part regions proposing based on the matchability between proposing and predicting. Specifically, we utilize the proposing-predicting matchability as the performance metric of Region Proposal Network (RPN), thus enable a direct optimization of RPN to filtrate most discriminative regions. Go in detail, the object-based feature learning and region-based feature learning are formulated as "teacher" and "student", which can furnish better supervision for region-based feature learning. Accordingly, our FDL can enhance the region attention effectively, and the overall framework can be trained end-to-end without neither object nor parts annotations. Extensive experiments verify that FDL yields state-of-the-art performance under the same backbone with the most competitive approaches on several FGVC tasks.
机译:歧视性地区的微妙关注在细粒度的视觉分类(FGVC)中起着关键作用。不幸的是,由于鉴别区域提出和基于区域的特征学习的关键限制,大多数现有的注意力模型在FGV中表现不佳。 1)歧视区域主要位于图像上的滤波器响应,这不能直接通过性能度量进行优化。 2)现有方法将基于地区的特征提取器培训为单热分类任务,同时忽略整个对象的知识。为了解决上述问题,在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的“过滤和蒸馏学习”(FDL)模型,以增强FGVC区别差异的区域。首先,提出了基于提议和预测之间的可匹配性的辨别部分区域提出了过滤学习(FL)方法。具体地,我们利用提议预测的可匹配性作为区域提案网络(RPN)的性能指标,从而能够直接优化RPN以滤除最多的判别区域。详细说明,基于对象的特征学习和基于地区的特征学习被制定为“老师”和“学生”,可以为基于区域的特征学习提供更好的监督。因此,我们的FDL能够有效地提高地区的注意,并且整体框架可以训练端到端,而不是既没有对象也没有零件注释。广泛的实验验证FDL在与几个FGVC任务中具有最具竞争力的方法的相同骨干下产生最先进的性能。



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