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Twitter User Modeling and Tweets Recommendation Based on Wikipedia Concept Graph




As a microblogging service, Twitter is playing a more and more important role in our life. Users follow various accounts, such as friends or celebrities, to get the most recent information. However, as one follows more and more people, he/she may be overwhelmed by the huge amount of status updates. Twitter messages are only displayed by time regency, which means if one cannot read all messages, he/she may miss some important or interesting tweets. In this paper, we propose to re-rank tweets in user's timeline, by constructing a user profile based on user's previous tweets and measuring the relevance between a tweet and user interest. The user interest profile is represented as concepts from Wikipedia, which is quite a large and inter-linked online knowledge base. We make use of Explicit Semantic Analysis algorithm to extract related concepts from tweets, and then expand user's profile by random walk on Wikipedia concept graph, utilizing the inter-links between Wikipedia articles. Our experiments show that our model is effective and efficient to recommend tweets to users.
机译:作为微博服务,Twitter在我们的生活中发挥了越来越重要的作用。用户遵循各种账户,例如朋友或名人,以获取最新信息。然而,随着越来越多的人,他/她可能会因大量的地位更新而被淹没。 Twitter消息仅在时间摄政时显示,这意味着如果一个人无法阅读所有消息,他/她可能会错过一些重要或有趣的推文。在本文中,我们建议通过根据用户之前的推文构建用户简档并测量推文和用户兴趣之间的相关性来重新排序用户的时间表中的推文。用户利息配置文件表示为维基百科的概念,这是一个非常大而链接的在线知识库。我们利用显式语义分析算法从推文中提取相关概念,然后通过Wikipedia概念图上随机散步扩展用户的配置文件,利用维基百科文章之间的链路。我们的实验表明,我们的模型对用户推荐推文是有效和有效的。



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