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Terrain analysis and data mining techniques applied to location of classic gully in awatershed




Gullies are an extreme form of soil erosion that degrade diverse environments trough the siltation of streams and water bodies. Indirectly, gully erosion compromises c(op productivity working as a link to watercourse allowing movement of detached topsoil particles from agricultural fields during heavy storm events. Furthermore, studies found reduction of the catchment area when active gullies are present. This complex process involves multiple factors and it demands to be studied consistently in order to locate the areas prone for gully erosion. The determination of gullies areas depends upon topographical, geological, and hydrological characteristics; however its location is mainly controlled by the high capacity of overland flow to cut the channel. We hypothesize that identification of gully in agricultural landscape can be performed from high-resolution elevation data products and unsupervised clustering approaches. In order to examine this hypothesis we have used variables resultant from of LiDAR-based terrain analysis as inputof a three clustering techniques. A k-means, fuzzy k-means, and CLARA clustering algorithms were used to carry out the cluster analysis. The results of the cluster analysis suggested that 8 classes were optimal for group areas in the watershed. Elevationdata from one field-scale watershed near Treynor in Pottawattamie County, IA, was used to calibration purpose and terrain analysis using slope, flow accumulation, plan convexity, topographic wetness Index, and stream power index were calculated. The cluster analysis has shown highest concordance with percentage of corrected classified pixels that approach based in medoid (CLARA) has obtained the best agreement of points within gullied area (30.1%). The results of this research might speed up gullies field surveys and also can serve as input inconservation planning framework
机译:沟壑是一种极端的土壤侵蚀形式,可降低各种环境,低谷淤积溪流和水体。间接地,沟壑侵蚀妥协C(OP生产力作为与水道的链接,允许在大风暴事件期间从农业领域移动脱离的表土颗粒。此外,当存在有源沟渠时发现了集水区的减少。这种复杂的过程涉及多个因素它要求一致地研究,以定位易于侵蚀的地区。沟壑区的确定取决于地形,地质和水文特征;然而,它的位置主要受到陆上流动的高容量来削减通道。 。我们假设可以从高分辨率高度数据产品和无监督的聚类方法进行沟壑识别沟壑。为了检查这个假设,我们使用了基于LIDAR的地形分析的变量,作为三种聚类技术的输入。 K-means,模糊k均值和克拉拉聚类算法用于进行聚类分析。集群分析的结果表明,在流域的小组地区,8个课程是最佳的。从PottaWattamie County的Treynor附近的一个场地分流的EXTATIONDATA用于校准目的和使用坡度,流量积聚,平面凸起,地形湿度指数和流功率指数的地形分析。群集分析表明,百分比的百分比百分比,较好的校正分类像素的百分比,这些像素的偏执狂(Clara)获得了羽绒区域内的点数的最佳协议(30.1%)。该研究的结果可能加快沟渠现场调查,也可以作为输入的进入计划框架



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